Fire Coding - HELP

Hey guys!

Has anyone worked out how to animate fire overlays? I’m trying to work it out, and getting so annoyed!:rofl::rofl: any help would be amazing​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


For animating fire, I just made its opacity to 0.5 at first, then changed its opacity to 1… :blush:
and then it goes on and on like that…


Ooo! Okay! I’ll give that a go🥰


It would look best to have different overlays slightly different than the previous and play with their opacities and placements.


What I do is I’ll have the default overlay, then create another one from it, but backwards. Then I’ll loop both of them in terms of opacity and position.

I can’t copy/paste from my story rn but it would be something like this:

@overlay FIRE create
@overlay FIRE scales to 1.0 1.0
@overlay FIRE2 create from FIRE
@overlay FIRE2 scales to -1.0 1.0

&overlay FIRE opacity 0.5 in 1 then overlay FIRE opacity 0.8 in 1.5 loop infinite times
&overlay FIRE2 opacity 0.8 in 1.5 then overlay FIRE2 opacity 0.5 in 1 loop infinite times
&overlay FIRE shifts to 100 0 in 1 then overlay FIRE shifts to 105 0 in 1.5 loop infinite times
&overlay FIRE2 shifts to 105 0 in 1.5 then overlay FIRE2 shifts to 100 0 in 1 loop infinite times


Omg! Thank you😍 I’ll give this ago🥰

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