Hi, everyone! Welcome to the Fireflies Template Shop! My goal of making this is to help everyone in need. I love to help people, and the reason I chose fireflies is because that is what reminded me to stay hopeful when I was facing rough times. :kiss: :bug:

:kiss:Use your manners, please!
:kiss:Make sure to fill out everything I need on the form so I can make your request.
:kiss: PLEASE respond to me within 48 hours, or else I will immediately stop making your request as other peoples requests will be piling up
:kiss:Make sure to credit me when making the template! If I put a readerMessage that says my name for credits, do not delete it. If I forget, please put one in there.
:kiss:Do not be rude if I have not fulfilled your request in 48 hours. I have school and homework, and I do have a life out of episode forums.

:kiss: If you are rude, cold, or toxic to the staff members, your request will not be made
:kiss: Same goes for if you are a staff, and rude to a fellow staff member or customer, you will be fired.

Format for Forms:
1.) What the story title is
2.) What you want the template theme to be (ONLY FOR MENUS)
3.) What you want the template to be (FOR ALL OTHER TEMPLATES)
Ex: Fridge Mini Game, Dressing Mini Game, etc.
4.) The color theme
5.) Attach Overlays if you have any specific requests
6.) If you do not attach overlays, please describe them.

It honestly depends on what you have requested.
:kiss:If you have requested a Fridge/Pantry mini game, that will probably only take 30 minutes-3 hours, depending on what is on my plate.
:kiss: If you requested a Menu template, that my take 1 hour - 5 hours, depending on what is on my place
(you get the idea, hopefully)

So far, I am the only one working this. If you are looking into working in this, please, feel free to DM/PM me!
I will need:
:kiss: Whatever name you would like to go by (Please go by your real name or forums username)
:kiss: Screenshots and pictures of your script templates
:kiss: A message with a copy and pasted script template that is DIRECTLY to me and private.

If you have any other questions, just DM me! I will hopefully see all of your beautiful souls in our chat!
(I hope that didn’t sound weird)


Moved to Directing Helps and Tips since this is about templates. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about creating topics, and feel free to PM me if you’ve got questions. :smiley:

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tysm for this! bookmarking

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aw, tysm!

May i have fridge templte game please

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I don’t really need a template, but good luck wth the shop!
And a little- ugh I forgot the word but maybe add some examples!

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thank you!

@hannahfriend, please fill out the forms if you would like a fridge template.

I would like to request :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
A start menu and a template is that okay?

1.) What the story title is Meow
2.) What you want the template theme to be (ONLY FOR MENUS) A pink girly theme can it have cats on the Start Menus.

3.) What you want the template to be (FOR ALL OTHER TEMPLATES)
I would like a sunflower mini game where the readers can tap the sunflower and pick the right one? MINI GAME

4.) The color theme
A girly pink theme with a cat on the start menu

5.) Attach Overlays if you have any specific requests

      **This is the start menu for the first one**

You see the title MEOW the Start Menu can have the same front as Meow
Is it possible to be a cat overlay on the Start Menu?

For the mini-game template

6.) If you do not attach overlays, please describe them.

1.) Would you like them to be seperate?

2.) How many overlays for the menu do you need?

3.) Please attach a background that is 640 pixels by 1136 pixels

4.) What are the names of the overlays? (EX: Recap, Customization, Start, Skip Episode)

1.) Would you like them to be separate?

2.) How many overlays for the menu do you need?
How many can you make?

3.) Please attach a background that is 640 pixels by 1136 pixels

4.) What are the names of the overlays? (EX: Recap, Customization, Start, Skip Episode)

Start, Skip. Recap, Customization,

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So you just need 4 buttons?

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and the coding as well?

Also, here are the overlays without the names on them:

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I am sorry, but I am not able to complete your request as it has been 19 days since you answered this.

:sparkles: Annelise


Hi can i get your help for a game template please?? My story title is “The Precarious Betrayal” I am in need of urgent help!! :pleading_face: its for a team builder! I was thinking maybe a scavenger hunt mini game and a blind fold game (where the character needs to be directed by another character to find the object) I dont any overlays for it, I was thinking maybe you can help me out with it??? I would appriciate all the help i can get!!!

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Hello! All I need is a little more details and I can try!!

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thanks so much for responding!!! let me know what details you want!!

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Maybe a little more details about the template, I am sorry, but I didnt understand your instructions in your first message :sweat_smile:

haha ok well in my story the team members all work together in a company…so in this chapter i want to have 2 games…for the scavenger hunt they can look for 5 items and maybe you can have two characters on a team… it can also have a timer to find each item

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