First Story: Promotion

New Story Alert
Hello everyone,
I’m new to forums and writing, but I’m very excited (and nervous!) to say that, after years of reading, I’ve finally published my first story :blush:
It has no hits so far, but I’d really love it if someone gave it a chance. Kudos to everyone who has published—I have a deeper respect for those who have managed to navigate directions and scenes and zooming lol.
Title: White Wave
Author: whitewave91
Category: Fantasy, with romance, love triangles, drama, action, and mystery
Description: Talise Gold attends Aurora Academy, the water kingdom’s elite school for learning water control. It’s bad enough that she has to deal with the hot but insufferable Prince River and his gang, but when an accident occurs in the neighbouring fire kingdom, her world is thrown into deeper chaos.
Okay, so it’s a bit cliche, but that’s what I love about Episode and getting to lose yourself in it.

Please share your new stories! :blush:


Hi! My story isn’t new, but I’d love to do a r4r with you if you’d like.
Also let me know if you have an Insta. It’s def the best way to promote new stories. It totally helped me with mine!

Title: Relentless

Description: Leah and Xavier were abandoned on The Island as babies. Together, they try to figure out why. Along the away, they discover even more than they ever could have anticipated.

The chapters do get longer. I wrote the beginning chapters a while ago, so the editing gets better later.

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Absolutely, that’d be fun. Your story sounds great! :slight_smile:

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Yours too!

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It’s so weird seeing it published—I’d never thought I’d write one! I hope it’s not too cheesy :joy: I’ll send you screenshots of what I’m up to soon XD (I have some, just waiting for tickets to reload XD)

It’s not cheesy! It’s really good. Do you have an Instagram for episode stuff?

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Sadly no. I might make one soon :slight_smile: I have other instagrams, but I think one uses this email lol

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Title: Black Sheep
Author: Raven Writes
Description: Magic. Immortality. Expectations. Legacies. With your 18th birthday fast approaching, your world is about to change…the only question is, will it be for better or for worse?
Cover: image

I’d love to do a R4R with you :slight_smile:

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These two are so cute!

Me too :slight_smile: I’m dealing with the worst ever internet right now, and of course ticket wait :sob::sob::sob:, but hopefully both will be sorted in a few hours :slight_smile: I’d love to do R4R!


Yay :slight_smile: Take your time xx

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Hi @whitewave91
I can do r4r, I’m starting your story now <3

Title: K&T: Faces from the past
Author: Alexandraaaa
Genre: Romance, Mystery
Story description: After a memory loss that wasn’t of your own doing, you are found by a group of teenagers who you must rely on to find your old self. Will a kiss help you remember your old life?
Chapters: 3 (more coming soon)

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Yay, thank you :blush: I’m afraid I have to wait for my internet and tickets, but I’ll be on soon—it looks intriguing! (Ps fellow Avatar fan? :))

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Yesss haha I love avatar!

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Finished! Great work, love the plot

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Hey, there! I just recently published my story as well, @whitewave91 and would love to do a r4r with you!
My link:

I’ll send screen shots as soon as I can get to it!
Hope you can check mine out as well!
Happy reading!

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Title : Hannah Miler’s Mystery
Author: Remone
Story genre :Mystery
Story style :lime light
Description: Hannah Miler was brutally killed in the woods.Will Ser be able to solve the mystery of Hannah miler’s death and will able to find the killer ?.And how is Ser related to Hannah.(CC)


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