Flashing Eye Color

Hi! So, I’m currently writing a superhero story and only one of the characters have powers. I want to have her eyes flash red for a couple of beats when she gets mad and then change back to the original color (purple). I tried to do it but, they wouldn’t change back… can anyone help?

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You can do this:
@CHAR changes eyeColor into _Prefered Eyecolor Here_
And then do the same to change it back.

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Just a quick note: remember to use the name of the color given to it in the Portal! “Green” wouldn’t work, you’d have to use “Green Emerald.”
It’s not an issue for red, but it’s just a point I wanted to make :slight_smile:

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I did that but, it wouldn’t change back to purple

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Okay, I’ll keep that in mind

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To change back, write the command again, but with purple. If you get an error, let me know.

okay, thanks

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i put @STORMCHILD changes eyeColor into purple
Then i put Purple
then purple
but its saying it isn’t a command!
Help a gal out?

wait can you do it in ink?