For The Females: Period Horror Stories?

Ah, yes, Periods. Truly a terrifying thing. I think every female who’s had their period for at least a year now has at least one period horror story. I know I for sure have.

So; I’m in my school’s drama department. In early October, I performed in my third show at the school. The show was Wizard of Oz, and I was cast as one of the fighting trees! The costumes ended up being a brown morph suit that had a hole cut out for our face (I also ended up having an allergic reaction full of hives… but that’s for another story) and brown fabric that wrapped around our arms and legs to simulate roots. That was the basic look. Anyways, to get out of this thing, you had to get someone to unzip you from the back, shove your head out, and get your arms and everything out. It was a nightmare. It was tech week and I knew I was due my period, but it usually is late so I didn’t think much of it when my Flo told me it was gonna start that day. Fast forward to later in the evening and us trees are just sitting around since our scenes are over. I suddenly realize Aunt Flo has come a-knockin’. I grabbed my friend and hauled her to the bathroom so she could unzip me. To say the least, if I waited a second more, that costume wouldn’t have been brown anymore. I then proceeded to sit butt-naked on the school toilet for a good 5 minutes while she got me a pad. Fun times.


Last year I got my period one week and it lasted for a few days and then ended so I took my pad off assuming it was over, therefore the next day during school I didn’t wear a pad. I went to my first three periods and then I really had to pee so I went to the bathroom. My friend came with me and she pointed out that she saw something red on my light blue jeans, I was instantly uncomfortable because we never talked about periods in our 8 years of friendship. I ran to the bathroom and thought panicked because this was the one day I didn’t bring my jacket. I called my mom because my dad was supposed to be at work and she said she would come. Thirty minutes later lunch was over and I was waiting for my mom, she then brought my dad and shouted for me so I walked to the car (I was waiting outside). My friend had never been late but she waited with me complaining about being late so she left. I went to the bathroom and changed into new pants and she brought me a flannel to put around my waist. I walk into my class with a plastic bag full of bloody clothes and my friend is staring me down, and my teacher goes “Care to explain why your late?” And my face got so red and hot and she rolled her eyes and sat down. But then the following day my period ended…again.


oh lord. that sounds awful. :sob:


Yours sounds awful too :sweat_smile:


not mine but a friends:
my friend was having sex with a guy and got her period during it. it was terrible she had to make the excuse she was a virgin to cover it up. yikesssssss




I got my period when I was 9. I’m 13 now.

Basically, I peed myself (the week of my FIRST period)
I didn’t know what periods were btw.
It was at night so everyone else was asleep.
I did a lot of damage. My clothes were soaking.
I, a genius, took them off & put them on top of the clean clothes.
I smelled horrible, I was wet, I stained literally everything, and my mom was kinda chill about it when she found out in the morning. She also told the whole family I got my period.
Oh, and we were in a hotel.

Yes, we cleaned up. I was 9, don’t forget :joy:.


When I was in 8th grade, on the bus ride back home, I leaked through my skirt and there was a huge stain on the bus seat. My crush was sitting in the seat behind me, too. He made fun of me for it the rest of the year. So embarrassing


the cherry on the icing here was the hotel part, hahaha.


not really a horror story but i once started crying in class because my cramps were so bad !! i felt so uncomfortable with everyone looking at me and my teacher didn’t know what to do…
B.C comes in clutch with regulating cramps :blush:


i got my first period at the first day of vacation, no swimming for me:(


This is just ironic: A few weeks ago in art class a friend of mine (a guy) pointed out that I had a red stain on my jeans, I knew instantly what he was talking about but I somehow didn’t. I was on my period and I thought it just leaked through but when I checked it, it was just red paint that I had sat on. :woman_facepalming:


I was at my best friends pool party and she suggested we play a pool game where the girls got on the guys backs and then had to try push each other off and into the water. My friend being awesome had me go on my crush’s back and go against her and her bf, about a few seconds in i felt a gush inbetween my legs, of course Aunty Flo had come early, from afar all you could probably see was a long trail of blood coming down my crush’s neck and back before disappearing into the water.

Long story short I quickly fell back into the water before grabbing a my friend and pulling her out of the pool to ask her to bring me a tampon while I waited in her bathroom. By now my crush had noticed the blood due to his friend telling him. But I went home after I had gotten a tampon from my friend, he did text my later at night saying how while it was pretty gross it was fine and that I don’t need to feel bad. That happened a few months ago and we still joke about it so guess I’m thankful that he wasn’t rude about it.


My period lasted for a month, non-stop.

That is my period horror story. That’s it. Sounds simple, but it was a friggin’ nightmare. I’m a gymnast, I do ballet, I have to wear leotards and do intense exercise while I’m at it.

I also once got my period on a camping trip. That was terrible too.


Woah! That’s… Terrible!


oh jesus :pleading_face:


Once, my period was so heavy on the first day that I stained through my jeans and left a puddle of blood on my chair at school


I got my first period on my birthday, my new favourite dress was ruined, back then I thought it was my poop Can you imagine I smell that sticky stain twice eww!! I was really stupid back then :see_no_evil: :sneezing_face::sneezing_face:


I have experience this too, I was really really stupid, in our school we sits on blue benches so like yours I also puddle on it so it turned yellow :sweat_smile: and I thought someone spill food on it and yeah now I know that was my doing :sneezing_face::sneezing_face:


I don’t have any horror story of mine, but when I first got mine it was on a Friday and my 14th birthday was on the following Monday and we were doing swimming so I wasn’t able to go swimming because of it…

I was pretty cautious during high school…