Forever Art Shop! (Closed)

Could I be tagged when @Melissa.H available? Thank you! :heartpulse:

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Hey @episodenoelle
Just take @/Prudy out, please

Hey @Prudy
I tried everywhere but I haven’t got any reply from them
please attach the Custom pose picture when you get one and re-request again
I’m really sorry to deny your request
Please accept my apology and you can request again with the pose picture.
Hope you understand

it’s okay thank you xx for trying love :revolving_hearts:

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Hii ! Can I request a spot template for a background from @AngryBird if she’s available?

Hi is there anyone who would be willing to cut out the arm rests of each chair, all three chairs and the desk in this background??? Credit will be given!

Do you mean a template!?

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Yes! Sorry that was autocorrect :see_no_evil::ok_woman:t2:

Yeah I’m taking request :wink:

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Great! I’m working on this template of a carnival fair and I’m struggling with the spots a little. Should I send it here or PM you?

You can put here :blush:

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&overlay FAIRSHOPS1 moves to layer 2
&overlay FAIRSHOPS3 moves to layer -1
&cut to zone 1
&CHARACTER2 spot 0.306 90 297 in zone 1 and CHARACTER2 moves to layer 4 and CHARACTER2 faces left and CHARACTER2 is talk_handsonhips_neutral_rear
&CHARACTER1 spot 0.317 160 256 in zone 1 and CHARACTER1 moves to layer 5 and CHARACTER1 faces left and CHARACTER1 is film_phone_energetic_loop
&LILGIRL1 spot 0.250 112 263 in zone 1 and LILGIRL1 moves to layer 5 and LILGIRL1 faces right and LILGIRL1 is dance_wavehands_happy_loop

&cut to zone 2
&CHARACTER3 spot 0.326 212 237 in zone 2 and CHARACTER3 moves to layer 5 and CHARACTER3 faces right and CHARACTER3 is film_phone_happy_loop
&CHARACTER4 spot 0.317 134 284 in zone 2 and CHARACTER4 moves to layer 5 and CHARACTER4 faces left and CHARACTER4 is admire_happy

&CHARACTER8 spot 0.317 134 284 in zone 2 and CHARACTER8 moves to layer 5 and CHARACTER8 faces left and CHARACTER4 is admire_happy

&FEMPLUS1 spot 0.317 134 284 in zone 2 and FEMPLUS1 moves to layer 5 and FEMPLUS1 faces left and FEMPLUS1 is admire_happy

&CHARACTER5 spot 0.326 212 237 in zone 1 and CHARACTER5 faces right
&CHARACTER7 spot 0.317 135 297 in zone 2 and CHARACTER7 faces left
&LILBOY spot 0.317 135 297 in zone 2 and LILBOY faces left
&LESLIE spot 0.317 134 284 in zone 2 and LESLIE moves to layer 5 and LESLIE faces left and LESLIE is admire_happy

&GIRL1 spot 0.317 134 284 in zone 2 and GIRL1 moves to layer 5 and GIRL1 faces left and GIRL1 is admire_happy

This is the Background. (This is not MINE.If anyone wishes to use it, it’s made by amepisode on IG (You can find it with overlays on her free drive)
I need to show 3 characters walking in this one and some on the shops/food stalls and 1 character each inside the stall.
Thank you for helping me! I’ll add credits of your name and Also the Shop’s name :heart:

Cool will get you
Any deadline!?

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Hi! I see that @Melissa.H is currently unavailable, but could you also tag me when you’re available?

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Hi I would love to request - edited cover

what is the info u may need? :smiley:

I’ll probably need it by Tuesday Eve in our zone (IST)

Hey, of course :relaxed:

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Yes ill defo tag you :wink:

Yep, will do :blush:

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Its okay I know how busy some of us have in our personal life :orange_heart: so thank you so much for your hard work