Friends? :) 14+

hiii im 15 and i’ve had episode for a LONG time now, but i just joined the actual episode community about a month ago. As lonely and desperate as this sounds, i need friends! lol. i’m super friendly and have a funny personality! I can’t seem to make friends though, it seems everyone already has enough friends or doesn’t really try to become actual friends with me. I try to dm people asking to be friends or comment on their things, and compliment them, but all i get is a thank you, and i don’t hear from them unless i’m the one who texts them. So if anyone who is 14+ would wanna be friends follow and dm me on instagram @episode_littlemst .
I want friends who will actually talk to me once in a while, support, and have non episode related conversations with me!!! I also have zepeto if anyone has that too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I know you! You helped me with my spanish homework :blob_sun:
Thank you again :blob_hearts:


of course !! :heartpulse:


Why are we exactly the same? :joy:
Im 15 and joined about a month ago…
AND IM LOOKING FOR A EPI BESTIE :pensive: :raised_hand:


girl i-
twinss :sob:
do you have insta?



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i followed !
SOMEONE CAN CLOSE THIS THREAD NOW, i think i just found my epi bestie :raised_hand: :kissing:

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I’m 16, my Instagram is @epy.emilee :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: (you don’t have to dm me if you don’t want)

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i followed you love ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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hi lovely! I just sent you a dm :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I love meeting new people!
ig: crystalxlia

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hi, my ig is @_trisha.episode

I love meeting new people :blush: (I don’t force you to dm me, but if you ever want to, feel free to do it)

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Yo another procrastinating teen XD—15! And my ig’s @freys.epi. If ur bored, ya can always dm this wonky tonky hooman aka me :lol:

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((I’m 17 but my ig is @cheesybaconpizza




hey! if you want you can friend me! @applejacks.episode


I don’t have isnta but I a always up for making friends ya know haha and girl is it fine that I don’t have insta and warning I talk alot about Star Wars and the x flies and Star Trek to everything haha but good morning and hope you have a great day :vulcan_salute:t3::alien:

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Hey! I’m nearly 14 so I’m 13. Is that okay? My best friend is 15 as well so that isn’t bad right? Anyway, I hope we can still be friends. I have Instagram and ZEPETO too. I will follow you.

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I’m 14 and i would love to be friends. I’ll go ahead and follow you on instagram! I also have Zepeto too. And if you want there’s a group chat i made not too long ago that i can add you to if you want, it’d be a great way to make some new friends :blush:


I’m always up for making friends lmao :new_moon_with_face:
My ig is @rubywrites.epy

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