Fun Question Game!

ew my dad does that all the time and it drives me nuts :roll_eyes:

World peace and clear skin:sparkles:

What’s your favorite flower?

Same, I wish I had clear skin, but don’t all get what we wish for. :frowning:

I like a lot of flowers, but I’d probably have to do with an iris or a lotus. :hibiscus:

What is your least favorite color?

I’m not sure I really have one tbh! Maybe neon green? :woman_shrugging:

Who is your biggest inspiration?

Hmm… probably my mom. :woman:

Which planet in our solar system (besides Earth) would you want to live on (if the planet was inhabitable)?
:earth_americas: :sun_with_face:

same, my mom’s the best :revolving_hearts:

Jupiter or Neptune

Have you ever seen a shooting star in person? :stars:

No, but it would be cool to. :star2:
Have you?

Do you have a favorite story on Episode? If so which one?

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Not Interested by Madison! Or was it not Madison?

Do you like to read novels?

Yessss :books:

What genre do you like when reading books?

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I have started really enjoying non-fiction books and poetry as well.

What is your favourite work of art and why?

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Covers. They are fun to make and u can use as much imagination as u want… if that makes
How would u react to your room being completely ruined

I’d cry, and then probably use it as an excuse to re-do my whole room. :broken_heart:

What’s your astrological sign? I’m a scorpio :scorpius:

Thoughts about putting meat on pizza??

I’m a scorpio too lol :scorpius:


It depends what meat, but usually I like it on pizza. :pizza:

Who is your favorite musician? :musical_note:

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Anything sung by glee

What’s your favorite book?

At the moment I’m reading the City of Bones series by Cassandra Clare, but I really enjoy the series Wildwood by Colin Meloy. :books:


Mindhunter by John Douglas. He is the father of the BAU at the FBI and has worked some really notable cases.

What do you think of museums - are they something you find boring or are they a passport to the past?

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Hmmm I find them boring as hell but that is just my opinion.

Do you prefer Limelight or Ink style?

I love ink style - TIL THE DAY I DIE (sorry Limelight :joy::joy::joy:

What’s your favourite food and does it bring back good memories?

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My favourite food is 2 minute noodles. They are like mine and my best friend’s favourite so we used to eat it together everyone we had sleepovers!

Who is your favourite episode characters so far and from which story? Why?