GAME: Good, Bad Worse

Bad: You got injured and lost the scholarship

Worse: You got a long time fracture and you dont have enough money to pay for the hospital fees

Good: you published a very successful novel

Bad: You can’t go anywhere without being recognised

Worse: Your gadgets were hacked.

Good: You became a famous celebrity and it doesnt get you recognized!

Bad: You know how to twerk

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Oof thats actually hard to answer lmao

Worse: Nicki Minaj wants to get revenge on you because you became the best twerker

Good: You’ve gathered everyone’s attention and you’ve become famous!

Bad: you’ve been introduced to bad habits

Worse: You were addicted to it and because of that, you lost fame

Good: You’re playing your favorite video game

Bad: The power died

Worse : You didn’t save

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Good: You won a video game tournament!

You’re accused of cheating.

Worse: You were prohibited to participate on any other tournaments and not only that, but your cash prize was also taken away

Good: You animated a very popular cartoon series! :unicorn::star:

Bad: Others think it was INappropriate, therefore was never shown to kids

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Worse: You were banned from making cartoons ever again.