GAME: Good, Bad Worse

Bad: All your dog does is swear

Worse: Everyone thinks your dog is copying you, so now they think you do nothing but swear around your dog.

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Good: Everyone loves you!

Bad: except your dog

Worse: You’re dog over the year grows to hate you so flipping much that while you’re chilling on the couch watching Netflix. It’ll go straight up to your tv and just eat the cords. Letting you be left on a cliffhanger.

Good: The dog runs away and never comes back.

Bad: Everyone thinks it’s your fault

Everyone starts rioting and you’re kicked out of the country

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You move to a different country and can be whoever you want.

BAD: Few people recognized you and threatened to reveal your identity if you don’t give them 1 million dollars

You failed to give them the money and now everyone knows

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GOOD: You are happily married and have three kids

Bad: your youngest child dies of a peanut allergy

Worse: the other parent leaves with the other kids

Good: You just bought Rolls Royce!

Bad: it breaks after a week

Worse: You are broke and can’t fix it.

Good: you win the lottery

Bad: You only won ÂŁ1

Worse: Someone steals your earnings