Game keeps crashing

Okay so I’m reading a story that contains a tonne of overlays. I got to the fifth chapter and all of a sudden the game just crashes and everytime I try go read it it just crashes again. I turned my phone off and on, cleared all my open apps and it still crashes. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Hey I would recommend deleting episode then wait like a little bit , re download it log in and see if it works then . If u rather not do that I would check to make sure it’s updated. If not I would suggest sending a ticket to episode and letting them see if they can fix it because it might be a glitch on there end .Let me know if you need episode forum’s ticket form link . Hope this helps :blob_hearts: !

I sent episode a ticket and they were completely useless, just ignored everything I said and then when I replied and said no I tried that etc they just ignored me lol, I’ll try the deleting the app for a while thank you!

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I have the same problem. I stopped at 55 ep of the Burning Red story and whenever I want to continue reading the app kicks me out. all other stories work, only this one does not. did you maybe find out what the problem is?

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Hey is your app up to date ? If so you might might to look into deleting episode then re downloading it and/or turning your device off completely and turning it back on. If it still dosent work maybe message the author in a fanmail asking if it’s a known glitch/bug and if it’s maybe on there side that it’s not allowing it to work . If your still at a dead end I would advise you to maybe make a ticket to episode , not sure if they can do anything since it’s not episode but maybe they can or you can suggest it to the author because it’s not working for you and might not be working for others. Hope this helps!

Also I’ll give it a read and lyk if it happens to me too.

I I did everything but it still doesn’t work, I also sent the author a message but I didn’t get any response, I also sent a ticket to the episode

What phone do you use? My old phone crashed like that whenever I opened a story with a lot of people or overlays. So I was choosing an official episode stories all the time and they were fine. Later I uninstalled episode until I bought a new phone and then the stories work fine :upside_down_face:

Sadly not I tried everything and nothing worked and episode just left me on my own with this :confused:

Me too, they were of no help to me. I hope it will work for us soon🥺