Gem choices if they don't have enough points

My story uses points, and I’d like your guys personal opinions. If a reader doesn’t have enough points for something, should I put an option for them to buy it with gems or does that make the story a bit tacky? Thanks!


Yes, you can.


almost every story with a point system has that option lol its not tacky at all


ok sorry i don’t read many as writing takes up so much time - thank you!

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ofc, Good luck with your story :))


thank you!!

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They usually put it at the end of their story. I would totally pay for more points :sweat_smile: i even suggest you put a support the author or any bonus scenes that offer extra entertainment if your looking for more people to spend gems.

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yeah I added the support the author and I’m thinking about bonus scenes. Is it better to pay for more points or to pay to have the scene unlocked do you think?

Hmm I’m usually a good cookie when it comes to my choices so I usually have enough points lol. I would most likely pay for bonus scenes. But, you’re probably most likely to get gems on points since you can use a range of different gem amounts. Just keep it mind it’s extra work for bonus scenes so it’s up to you if you want to add them or not. :relieved:

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I’ll defo have to have a good think about that, thank you!


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