Gem R4R for my story

Hey, I finished your story. I’m definitely going to read the other episodes when you publish them. Loved it :heart:

Thank you so much for this thread. :writing_hand: :writing_hand:

I would love to do an R4R or G4G if you are interested.

:arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:

Title: The Constant Journey

Episodes : 11 .

Author: Mystic.Ceb

Description: Esmee has been searching for someone she lost a long time ago. With motherhood and being the top arms dealer around, she has a lot going on. Will the lost ever become the found?

Genre: Action

Style: Limelight

My Amazing! Phenomenal! cover by: TheMidJunes on forums



Instagram(For screenshot proofs) @storiesby_mystic