Give me one characters to draw [Closed]

same I hate how drawing takes forever :sob::two_hearts: but it’s kind of fun tho :upside_down_face:

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@Kande10 Okie gotcha thanks!
@Jpassen ooo making me choose the pose I’ll see what I can do :3


Haha yep I cant think of anything right now. giving u full creativity here. Art looks amazing btw

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Thank you :face_holding_back_tears::two_hearts:

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of course can’t wait to see what you come up with.

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you’re welcome @Anty :melting_face:

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Yes it totally fine :kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes:

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Hi what you think? :relieved:

Thank you for letting me practice your character I really enjoyed coloring your character. :pleading_face::two_hearts:


Hello what you think of the sketch.
I personally love how it looks :3

the sketch🫳🏿✨

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Tomorrow I might take a break due to me starting my job

So I apologize if I don’t respond tomorrow.

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Ouu that’s so cute, it really suits her :heart_eyes_cat:.
Do you mind if I use it as my pfp on forums? I’ll give you credit for it if course :point_right:t3::point_left:t3:


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Of course it’s yours!:pleading_face::two_hearts:


Thank you :pleading_face:


Your welcome :blush:
And thank you!:pleading_face::two_hearts:

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Thanks! do want me to do the exact pose and outfit as your character?:two_hearts:

Yes! :slight_smile: Thank you so much

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Ok thanks!

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You haven’t done mine yet? Did you forget?:pleading_face:

Not to be rude, but whoever is doing the art is taking her time and you’re not the only one who requested one. How can you see there is a waiting list look where you are.:woman_shrugging:t2: