Going back to doing art well trying 😅

Welp I’m back in school and I also am in eight grade but taking my Spanish 1 & 2 and music appreciation for credits so I don’t have to do it for highschool and I have band and am learning a new language ( not talking bout Spanish but i also have to learn Spanish) so I may not have time really but can y’all lend me some ink characters to practice art it’s been a whiiillllleeeeee but send pngs pics of characters please and help me out I appreciate it :blue_heart:

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Okay, I have two characters for you, I just ss them and I’ve got their details for you in case you want to scroll through any of the epi animations, or do other outfits.





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Thank you :blue_heart:

Of course! Let me know if you would like anymore details or any other characters :upside_down_face:

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