Guys, can you help? šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ

So recently idk why but chatting with a lot of ppl (like groups) and all makes me feel uncomfortable or unwanted or something like that. I havenā€™t felt like that ever. I donā€™t mind talking with one person. Idk what this is it just makes me feel unwanted and weird feelings. I canā€™t open up to anyone I find it very hard. I been bottling up my feelings and I know itā€™s not good. Sometimes I feel like they (the PPL who I am talking with) doesnā€™t like me or something. I donā€™t know what to do. I been distracting myself with different kind of stuff but now I canā€™t do that too. I donā€™t know what to feel. I feel like crying at the same time happy. I canā€™t concentrate on one thing and itā€™s irritating me. Guys, what should I do? I really need help!


Hello i think i can helpā€‹:point_right::point_left::relaxed:


Heyy first of all welcome to the community. And how?

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Hey girl, maybe you have social anxiety? Anyways I understand what your tryna say and honestly thatā€™s fine not everyone is comfortable talking with multiple people and prefer talking to one person, honestly Iā€™m like that too it just takes time to get used to all of the people, just be confident and be yourself then eventually youā€™ll start feeling much better. :blob_turtle:


Tbh I didnā€™t have this feeling earlier it just started recently.

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Ik that feeling when you think people probably wonā€™t like u but if you keep being yourself theyā€™ll eventually start to like you, thatā€™s how it is making new friends


Ohh dear! Iā€™m so sorry you feel that way! :pleading_face:

Is it our group that made you feel this way?


Yeah I know. I donā€™t know what it is. I am always myself. I think itā€™s maybe cuz I am bottling up my feelings but I canā€™t get up myself to open up to anyone


No it is not. Actually every one in the group is amazing and supportive. I am in a lot of groups in insta. Thatā€™s where I feel weird. btw why is everyone inactive in the group?


Thatā€™s fine you donā€™t have to let people know how you feel instantly, just keep it to yourself for a while until you feel ready to share with others about your feelings and I promise you thing will get better eventually


Thanks for hearing me out. Hopefully I will open up again


Hey, I hope your doing OK and whoever those people are they donā€™t realise that you are a beautiful person inside and out. Itā€™s fine if you donā€™t feel comfortable and donā€™t like to chat to lots of people or being in group chats. You can always leave and come when when you are ready and feel comfortable. Feel free you to pm me if wanna chat, need someone to talk to or be friend :heart:


Aww you are too sweet :heart::heart:. And thank you. Maybe I will just leave all the groups that I am not comfortable with. And start over. Hopefully it will work :blush: and again thanks


Your welcome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Iā€™m sorry to hear that you are feeling this way. Is there maybe someone from the group that you share a connection with? Someone that you can maybe message privately. I use to be the type to keep things to myself. I was always very shy until my early 20ā€™s, but I am also the type to speak up when I feel it is right. It really sucks when you feel excluded, but maybe this group has been doing so unintentionally.


I have my friends and from the group nope. I canā€™t get myself to open up. And yeah I donā€™t think they are doing it on purpose

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It actually closed. Idk why, whoever made the next chat didnā€™t add you

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Iā€™m sorry to hear that. If you ever want to talk to someone about your feelings, you can talk to me. I wonā€™t judge and Iā€™m a good listener. You can send me a message but only if you want. I once bottled up my feelings about something from my past before and then I told my sister about it and I completely just felt way better. Even just getting the words out without my sisterā€™s response made me feel way better but the response made it even better.


Yeahā€¦ I have felt this beforeā€¦ back in february of this year I had my own group with lotā€™s of my friends which I really liked and stuff, but I always felt unwanted in the group EVEN THOUGH IT WAS MINE! I still felt unwanted and if people were messaging and messaging I wouldnā€™t replyā€¦ but that all came to an end near the end of march where I really screwed up and let my anxiety/stress/negativity get the best of meā€¦ to the point where I told my one good friend Kait to go die and my other two friends I called terrible namesā€¦ a little later I promised that I would make it up to them, and I did with kait one day she just came to me one day on instagram and said that ā€œAaron I am forgiving you cause everyone deserves a second chance in life and I wanna be friends againā€ at first I thought she was kidding but now we are good friends again and I love her for forgiving me, as for one of my other friends she just flat out told me I am her friend and that just made me happy again as for my 3rd friend we havenā€™t talked since it all happened and I am too scared to message her so we arenā€™t friends again yet but hopefully one day we will be again




Did anything happen to prompt you feeling this way all of a sudden?

I am asking because I was in a gc like that earlier this year, and I had an argument with someone and after that the whole place became hostile for me. Something changed and I felt I was being shunned because weird stuff happened and it all happened AFTER the argument.

If it isnā€™t exactly what happened to you, then maybe you should consider taking yourself out of those groups and explaining to those who care to know how youā€™ve felt for long? I have social anxiety and I know too well what it feels like to not want to associate with people because of one fear or another.

Not saying you have it as well, but I felt like you at some point in that gc, I feel like you in my everyday life.
I just decided to act on it and cut myself away from what makes me feel not valued, unwanted, and bad about myself.