Happy Birthday FlowerGriefer 2021 🌷 💫


Happy Birthday Brandi!

I hope despite Covid-19 you will have the best day ever and overload on sweets :candy: Party virtually and don’t work too hard on your special day, mon amie :joy: :chef: :blob_hearts: :blob_sun: :yay: :cake: :cake1: :cake2: :cake3: :cake4: :cake5: :balloon: :tada: :anifireworks: :fireworks: :tada: I love you past the moon, o talented one :avocado_love: :crescent_moon: :blob_hearts:

Everyone, let’s all shower the helpful soul @FlowerGriefer with birthday wishes, gifts and show her lots of love :partying_face: :party_time: :disco: :sparkles: :sparkling_heart: :gift: :gift_heart: :two_hearts:

Her appreciation thread:

Her previous birthday thread:

FlowerGriefer has made so many beautiful backgrounds within this community, overlays, pfps, art materials and so much more (she’s a hard worker and super gifted :sunflower: :sunglasses: ) and she’s made like over 1000 items for me :joy: :laughing: :rofl: :cupid: :cupcake: :cup_with_straw: :icecream: :tropical_drink: All hail this Tulip Queen/Vampire Boss, Brandi, I said it before but I’ll say it again, you are such a kind, amazing, wonderful, positive, sweet, talented, helpful, generous, beautiful soul and I love being your best friend 4 life <3 Proud of youuuuu :musical_note: :guitar: :musical_keyboard: :tulip: :crown: :sparkling_heart: :heartbeat: :revolving_hearts: :chef:


Love, your pal, JemU776 :metal2: :blob_hearts:

P.S guys, remember to mark Jan 17 on your calender :smirk: :100: :heart:

Also, here are her limelight details in case you want to make her something special:

Brandi’s LL details:

Body: Female Athletic Body = Neutral 02
Brow: Arched Natural Scar = Black Dark
Hair: Long Half Up Ponytail Hair = Black Dark
Eyes: Deepset Downturned = Hazel Dark
Face: Square Defined
Nose: Round Button
Lips: Small Heart = Pink Beige Gloss

Brandi’s INK details (card made by her :heart_eyes: :heavy_heart_exclamation: ):

Enjoy your day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heartbeat:


spacer where I will be posting gifts :revolving_hearts: :heart:



I can’t make anything right now because of requests but I got you a doggo :pleading_face:



Hello guys, well gifts are appreciated, a nice birthday message is also sweet. I’d rather you didn’t say “I can’t make…because of…” since I want this thread to be filled with so much beauty, no regrets :smirk: :tada:

Just look at that talent and admire:

:heart_eyes: I see it was posted on Jan 16, good, because on your birthday you better be relaxing :joy: :lol: :lollipop: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Really appreciate all that you do, you’ve helped me with art material for my CC templates, without you it’d be impossible for me to code them (you make the impossible, possible). On Secret Santa when so many didn’t make gifts, you stepped up and offered and helped made gifts for those that weren’t getting anything because their Secret Santa decided not to make anything. You truly are a magical gem, i seriously love you so much :gem: :blob_hearts:


Happy Birthday :birthday::tada:


Happy Birthday :partying_face:

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Happy birthday! :tada::birthday::balloon:


Happy happy birthday @FlowerGriefer !! :heart::heart::sparkles::tada::confetti_ball:
May God bless you … Enjoy your day and whole life !! :heart:

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:birthday:Happy birthday @FlowerGriefer :birthday:
You are so talented and absolutely love your backgrounds :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:
I hope you enjoy your day :birthday::tada::partying_face::confetti_ball::tada::partying_face::birthday: and more birthdays to come :birthday::tada::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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Thank you guys for the birthday wishes, you all are nice for doing that :clapping: :fist_bump: :partying_face: This is so going to make her day :smirk: :blob_hearts: :disco: :birthday:


You know me so well! :blob_turtle: Thank you so much for this Jem :yay: I’m so blessed to have you as my best friend :blob_hearts: :partying_face: :pray: Love you past the moon :pleading_face: :crescent_moon: :star2: :sparkles: :tulip:

Thank you! This put a big smile on my face :blob_turtle: :tulip:

Thank you all so much! I truly appreciate it! :sparkles: :revolving_hearts: :tulip:

Thank you! :pleading_face: :sparkling_heart: :pray: :tulip:

Thank you! I’m so overwhelmed with gratitude :pleading_face: :revolving_hearts: :tulip:

Blowing Kisses Gif

:yay: :blob_turtle: :tulip:


Happy birthday!

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Happy Birthday! :partying_face: @FlowerGriefer


Thank you both so much! :partying_face: :yay: :tulip:


You’re welcome :pleading_face: and I’m glad I made you smile!!!

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Happy birthday @FlowerGriefer!!

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Happy birthday :partying_face::heart:

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Thanks so much! :sparkles: :revolving_hearts: :tulip:

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Thank you !! :blob_turtle: :tulip:


Day’s not over yet but look:

As it should be :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Otherwise I’d riot :laughing:

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