Happy Helpers - Reviews, Covers, Splashes, Script Help and more!

Has somebody taken my request?

I was not being rude - I was quoting friends

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Oh I know you weren’t being rude. Sorry if I came off rude, I didn’t mean too.

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Of course not! :handshake:

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Hey, do you know when my request will be done?

Could be today, but send char details as a text, ur screenshots don’t quite fit fr ur pose

I sent the details of the characters already… :joy:

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Im an idjot. And i just woke up .if thats a legit excuse… :joy: i’ll try to do it in a few hours.

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Nah, I would do something like that…i do
Things like that all the time but I’ll blame it on something that has nothing to with it. Thanks btw! :sweat_smile:

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It’s ready. They are made, so that you don’t have to put position for overlays, they will fit perfectly.


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@sofia2 @PikachuK18 @Rac5hel @Silver_Shadow
who’s doing my request??

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Thank you so much :blush:

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I’m not a background artist. Sorry. :disappointed:

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Background: Can it be png? If not then the ice bath background from episode

**Character details:**

Face: Soft Heart
Skin: Rosewood
Brow: Thick Flat
Hair: Black and Brown box braid updo (cayenne)
Eyes: Round Classic
Nose: Aquiline
Lips: Full Round, Dusty Rose


Pose/positions: I’d like her to be sitting down with her knees up in distress, crying, upset, stressed, ect. She’s kinda hugging her knees in comfort. She can also have her hands in her hair of distress if you want instead


(but she’s obviously sad)

Extra details: if u need like a theme or something she’s currently in a school lockdown so she’s very upset and all and is hiding in the bathroom
When you need it: By atleast the 2nd of December :slight_smile:


Thank you we will find someone who’ll do your request.


Do you know if you want her facing forward or sideways?




Is anybody doing my request?


What was your request?

I’d like to request two splashes, but take your time. I don’t need them for a bit.

Here’s the info:

Splash Number 1

Could it be almost an identical copy to this one?


As in same background and wording and font and motorcycle (but black/silver)

Text: To be continued (literally the same font and uppercase in the image but in silver)



Skin is tan, eyes are upturned feline green, face is diamond, nose is upturned, mouth is full round terracotta, hair is beach wave auburn, and eyebrows are thick flat.

Poses: She is doing the drop down dance, at the moment when she is furthest down, smiling at the camera, and has the hand behind the head

Extras: A silver/black motorcycle in the same place. Legit exact the same as the original.

When you need it: Within 20 days.

Splash Number 2
Could it be similar to this one?


Text: Same wording at the top. Except no twitter thing. Just the instagram one with the instagram of “episode.auriane”.



Skin is light, eyes are downturned bold green , face is diamond, nose is upturned, mouth is classic blush, hair is beach wave fawn, and eyebrows are medium soft arch.

Poses: She is doing the talk gesture, but it is edited so that she is facing forward, has her mouth closed (but smiling) and is holding the instagram sign with the info on the right of it.

Extras: Just the same watercolor style and font.

When you need it: Within 20 days.

Thank you!

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