Has anyone had something, “Disappear out of Existence?”

Have you guys ever had something disappear, and you couldn’t find it anywhere?
Like, it felt like it Disappeared out of Existence?



I had two sims 3 (season and supernatural)cd’s there just dispared. I only ever found supernatural but seasons is still gone. its been years and I haved moved twize. and I have had open evry signle dvd box I own and its just gone

for supernatural it was in my computer. not the cd drew I mean legit some how it had fall into my computer and got stuck. and it was found when it was to reparation for water damage

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Yes, my bus card, i can’t find it anywhere and it’s driving me crazy :sob:

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Socks, hardcover book covers, and papers/writings

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My social life, my stable emotional well-being and most of all my taste in friends @WhiteBoyKyle and @OrphanKaren I kinda lowkey highkey sometimes regret my life.


i lost one of my favorite shirts a little more than a year ago and i can’t still find it…




I lost a pear of shoes

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Yes my favorite jacket and pair of jeans! :sob: it happened nearly a year ago but I’m still mourning :cry:

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My will to live


My confidence and a Nintendo DS game but I’m pretty sure my friend stole it from me but she wouldn’t admit it cus she was like a pathological or compulsive liar

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My dance shirt -._-.

I saw it in the holidays and I put it somewhere but now I can’t find it -_-

I’ve looked everywhere, wardrobe, under the bed, KITCHEN EVEN!!!

But it’s like someone wants me to get a detention for not bringing in kit and I’m running out of excuses!! :frowning:

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My food used to disappear out of existence from my room. But I’m pretty sure my sister just ate all of em
My socks keep disappearing, nobody has my size socks so nobody is stealing them.
And a few dvd’s I’ve bought have disappear. And one Nintendo ds game disappeared and so did one Nintendo wii game.
Also when I was like 6 or so, I used to play with a tamagochi but it just disappeared. We searched for it for so long it never was found.


Stop stealing my jokes, this is why I hate bein your twin.

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my pen for my graphic tablet. It just vamoosed and I haven’t found it in weeks


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