Have y’all ever drawn ur feelings or like how u feel at that moment

Hi! So I’ve been have a rough time recently for many reason the main thing is I’ve been have what I think may be panic attacks but I don’t wanna self diagnose so I call them episodes (which is kinda funny considering this is episode but that’s not the point). These episodes can get difficult at times and I don’t have many people I can go to I had started thinking about what color these would be and I came up with the idea hey I should draw these to help me calm down and to maybe understand it more idk. So I started drawing and at first I had clue what this was or where I was going but slowly it came together. I honestly really recommend it was very therapeutic and I feel much better (I also listened to upbeat music while doing this).

(It isn’t done)
If you’d like to see what it looks/feels like to me their it is⬇️

The art

The black lines inside of the green is my thoughts, they’re just all over the place moving quickly all around and is pretty over whelming. The green was the color it symbolizes to me idk why tbh I had started thinking of the colors and it wasn’t yellow (gives happy vibe), blue (more sad vibe), red (angry/mad vibe), pink (happy vibe or disgusted vibe (just depends)) so I went with green it just vibed well with this for me. Then next is the girl below which represents me and she has her hands in her hair and is stressed when I finish it I wanna add this facial expression: :tired_face: with a tear rolling down her cheek, and she is wearing a hoodie because, personally baggy close make me feel safe (I’ve been very insecure about my body for years now I am getting better tho)


I’ve done it a few times which is how I came up with my profile picture. I sometimes feel like I have to fake a smile. There’s another version but it’s kinda messy :joy:


I totally understand u I constantly find myself faking a smile and it low key sucks but it’s how I cope with things in a way (can I just say I love ur Pfp it looks amazing ur art is great💕)


Thank you :two_hearts: I love how you portrayed your emotions in yours :sparkles:




yeah, i definitely draw out my feelings from time to time. I have just recently started digital art, but before that I was doing watercolor and what I would do was pick out the colors which I felt represented how I was feeling and I would just make a face out of those colors.
I specifically used water color because it’s so free, you can’t really control completely where the water takes the colors and I think that ties in with the messiness of thought and emotion.

I 100% agree that drawing can be therapeutic, it takes your mind off what’s going on and allows you too channel your emotions into something beautiful.

lol sorry for the long paragraph, I didn’t expect to write so much :heart:


Don’t be sorry u were talking about something that interests you, u should never be sorry and I really like that it has a much deeper meaning to the art and I think maybe one day I’ll try watercolor painting (I’m not a big painter)


you absolutely should try it out, watercolor can be really fun. (And I’m not much of a painter either, it’s more of a hobby that I attempt at)


Sound very cool I think I will try it one day! Thanks for the suggestion💕


I have OCD and have a series of oil paintings that are a visualization of some of the rituals I do in my head.
Playing around with the textures of the paint is fun. Acrylic paint works too and is easier. Watercolor is also cool depending on the look you’re going for. Oils are kind of a pain, the only reason I got into them was because I was an art student in high school and needed to buy oils lol.


I have done it a couple of times


i feel you :pleading_face: i dont draw but I sing what i feel on the spot, or screaming, or even crying (since I always bottle up my tears when I wanna cry sometimes) it helps me alot :pleading_face: :pleading_face: if you wanna talk feel free to PM me :pleading_face: :heart: :sparkles:


i mostly do traditional art, mostly painting
and i do abstract art with watercolour, and i’ve got a shit ton of colours
so i’ll just listen to music while crying while grabbing my brush and painting abstract on the paper with the colours that vibe to how i’m feeling (mostly dark blue, very dark purple, and dark red {dark just like myfeelings})
and in the end when i’m done i’ll just leave it to dry while flopping my bed, grabbing a book and a cup of cocoa (but the cocoa very rarely, my mom constantly loves to remind me that drinking a cup of anything other than water will only make me increase onefreakinggramonly (sorry for that sentence it’s like how i feel ):sob: :sweat_smile:

after my painting dries, i’ll be in a better mood and i’d just draw something over it and use my abstract as a background

okay i’m sorry for that paragraph
idk if you’ll understand wtv but the summary is what i draw and then yea anyways :sweat:


i use watercolour a lot too :relaxed:
it’s kinda fun somtimes

i agree!!




I once drew myself inside a cage that was inside a brain once after one of my panic attacks.
I found it very therapeutic.

Your art is brillinat!
As someone that gets panic attacks way too often to be normal, I understand how difficult they can be, I had one in school a while ago and I was panicking so much I couldn’t walk (Almost died of embarrassment :joy: )

But if you ever need someone to talk to about anything, feel free to pm me :blush:

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There is nothing wrong drawing your emotions or feelings in a canvas :heartpulse:. It is a way of how one expresses it whether this is through abstract art or any other art form. :art:

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