Having issues with spot directing please help

I’m trying to move my character to a different zone and I managed to figure that out by putting in my script:

&pan to zone 1
@Character walks to spot 1.280 160 -21 in zone 1

The problem I’m having is that my character walks really slow to her zone. I know there is a time command I can use to speed this up. I thought it would be written in the script as something like this:

&pan to zone 1
@Character walks to spot 1.280 160 -21 in zone 1 AND in 2.7

but the script tells me I can’t do it.
so I tried another way to write it in my script which is:

&pan to zone 1
@Character walks to spot 1.280 160 -21 in 2.7 (getting rid of the specific zone since I thought my character would know which zone to go to because of the indication of the pan.)

She did end up walking normally but to a different zone.

Please, help me to figure out how to let my character go to the zone I want AND also at a 2.7 time command.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

That worked! Thank you so much. :smile:

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Moved to Directing Help & Tips as that’s where scripting questions live! And glad this got resolved! Closing :v:t2: