Having Trouble Remembering Choices

So I’m working on something I’m really excited about and it has ‘remembering past choices’. So, I’m really confused because when I save it gets no errors or anything, but it doesn’t show what I added in the brackets for a choice. I went through and replayed the entire story, and selected the choice that had what I wanted to see and it just never showed up. I’ll show it to you guys: (I haven’t added any other bracket/'if’s and I had to delete the ‘@’ signs because they won’t let me have it)

CHERRY enters from left to screen center
zoom on CHERRY to 200%

    CHERRY (talk_explain_neutral)
Due to some script complications, I just need to ask you guys a couple questions.
    CHERRY (talk_think_neutral)
How was your relationship with Ray? AND BE HONEST, THIS IS HIGHLY REQUIRED FOR THE STORY!

choice (relationship)

    CHERRY (talk_excited_happy)
Awesome, thanks.

gain romantic_ray

    CHERRY (talk_excited_happy)
Awesome, thanks.

gain average_ray
“Not good at all.”{

    CHERRY (talk_excited_happy)
Awesome, thanks.

gain bad_ray
CHERRY (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
Last questions, were you able to get his number?
CHERRY (scream_angry)
choice (number)

    CHERRY (talk_smile_happy_loop)
Thanks for being honest, now let's continue!

gain number_ray

    CHERRY (talk_smile_happy_loop)
Alright, let's get on with the story now!

gain no_number_ray
zoom reset

music music_softhouse1
YOU spot 1.280 248 -77
zoom on 303 301 to 226% in 0

YOU is deepbreath
if (coffee){
YOU (sip_cup_sad)
And then there was one.
if (donut){
YOU (eat_food_hand_sad)
And then there was one.
if (bagel){
YOU (eat_food_hand_sad)
And then there was one.
YOU is text_phone_neutral_loop and YOU faces left
if (coffee){
remove Coffee Cup To Go from YOU
if (donut){
remove Donut Pink Sprinkle from YOU
if (bagel){
remove Bagel Cream Cheese from YOU
RAY changes into RAY_casual
zoom on 190 306 to 163% in 0
RAY enters from left to spot 1.280 109 3
RAY (talk_read_phone_neutral_loop)
Hey, can I bother you for some salt?
RAY (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
I don’t have an-

YOU is react_shocked_awe AND RAY is react_shocked_gasp
RAY (talk_afraid)
YOU is idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop

if (number_ray){

    YOU (talk_greet_shy)
Oh. Hi.

    RAY (talk_flirt_coy)
Yeah, hi.

    YOU (talk_flirt_charming)
What a small world, huh?

    RAY (laugh_chuckle)
Practically microscopic.
    RAY (talk_shrug_concerned)
But maybe that isn't such a bad thing...

YOU is blush_shy


“Flirt (Sweet)”{

    YOU (talk_flirt_charming)
From the looks of it, it may actually be an exceptionally good thing.

RAY is laugh_chuckle
“Flirt (Steamy)”{

    YOU (talk_explain_neutral)
Maybe not, but if you're only here for salt,
    YOU (talk_shrug_neutral)
I guess we'll never know if your presumption is true.

RAY is laugh_chuckle
RAY (talk_explain_neutral)
I’m Ray.

    YOU (talk_explain_neutral)

    RAY (talk_greet_neutral)
Nice to meet you again, [FIRSTNAME].

    YOU (talk_flirt_charming)
The pleasure is all mine.

    RAY (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
Maybe I could call you sometime?

    YOU (talk_think_neutral)

“I’d like that.”{

    YOU (talk_flirt_coy)
I'd really like that.

    RAY (talk_flirt_charming)
Okay then, see you around.

    YOU (talk_flirt_charming)
See ya.

“We’ll see.”{

    YOU (talk_think_neutral)
We'll see, Ray.

    RAY (laugh_chuckle)
That's a shame, huh?

    YOU (laugh_giggle)
A big shame.

RAY is laugh_giggle
RAY (talk_greet_neutral)
See you around.

If you're lucky.



Does anyone know if I did something wrong?

You are forgetting to use the if, elif, and else commands in the food choices.

Oh, that’s true. But could that also be affecting the latest one when the character is having a conversation with the love interest? (whether she has his number or not)

Looks fine to me

I see where the option for having his number but I don’t see the option for not having his number

Here are two guides for remembering choices:

HOW TO: Remember Past Choices (if/elif/else) by @Dara.Amarie
Tara explains: Ifs, elses, gains, labels, gotos and the points system! by @TaraStar

1 Like

I haven’t made it yet.


You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

Okay, so what exaclty isn’t coming up?

Fiestly, is the use of both the brcket and the gain system at the same time made deliberatly?
If not it may in time make it hard for SE to interpret your script.

Is it so that you get stuck after “YOU!”(?)
If I’ve read your script right, you’ve got two incoorporated choices, (making it a three bracket system build = not easy) - one for flirt and one for calling - in the gain number choice.
My suggestion is to instead put this choices undes a seperate label to make it easier to keep track of all the brackets. A small shortcut - but effective.


Thank you. I’m kind of new to the whole Episode thing so could you give an example if you can?

Kind of new and you’re already using nested choices? Bold.

Everything after ‘ if (number_ray)’

I’m not too familiar with nested choices but I would say that you’d would try pushing the last two brackets closer together.

Okay, thanks!

So I deleted the nested choices and added what happens if you don’t get his number, and then I tested it but it went straight to what happens if you don’t have his number.

@RAY changes into RAY_casual
@zoom on 190 306 to 163% in 0
@RAY enters from left to spot 1.280 109 3
RAY (talk_read_phone_neutral_loop)
Hey, can I bother you for some salt?
RAY (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
I don’t have an-

@YOU is react_shocked_awe AND RAY is react_shocked_gasp
RAY (talk_afraid)
@YOU is idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop

if (number_ray) {

    YOU (talk_greet_shy)
Oh. Hi.

    RAY (talk_flirt_coy)
Yeah, hi.

    YOU (talk_flirt_charming)
What a small world, huh?

    RAY (laugh_chuckle)
Practically microscopic.
    RAY (talk_shrug_concerned)
But maybe that isn't such a bad thing...

@YOU is blush_shy

    YOU (talk_explain_neutral)
Maybe not, but if you're only here for salt,
    YOU (talk_shrug_neutral)
I guess we'll never know if your presumption is true.

@RAY is laugh_chuckle

    RAY (talk_explain_neutral)
I'm Ray.

    YOU (talk_explain_neutral)

    RAY (talk_greet_neutral)
Nice to meet you again, [FIRSTNAME].

    YOU (talk_flirt_charming)
The pleasure is all mine.

    RAY (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
Maybe I could call you sometime?

    YOU (talk_think_neutral)
    YOU (talk_flirt_coy)
I'd really like that.

    RAY (talk_flirt_charming)
Okay then, see you around.

    YOU (talk_flirt_charming)
See ya.

@RAY exits left
@YOU is blush_shy

} else {

    RAY (talk_awkward_loop)
I'll just ask someone else...

@RAY exits left


If you’re new it’s even more important not to make it more complicated than it needs to be. Baby steps, hun. Baby steps. :wink:

An old post of mine with a summery of the three ways to make/remember choices

I think your trouble might all be due to that the previous choices hasn’t been flagged so there’s no reference for the SE to go by.(?)

I’ve also noticed that you’ve used only if for all the first references to previous choices what to have. You need to change them so only the first one is an if, then all following elif,until the last that best works as an else. They way it is now it confuses the SE and it won’t know what to do with it - your readers choices not being flagged properly - causing trouble in the long run.

To do the label thing I mentioned earlier you use goto and labels instead of incorporating choices.

  1. put a goto number_ray after the if (number_ray) is finnished and close with a bracket }
    If you have any more elifs add them after.
  2. Add a label number_ray after the ef/elif/else sequence is finished and have the rest (the flirt and call conversation) under it.

YOU is react_shocked_awe AND RAY is react_shocked_gasp
RAY (talk_afraid)
YOU is idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop <— here is where it stopped earlier?

if (number_ray){
goto numer_Ray <—add the goto
} <—close the reference
Any more references you want you add here after and close around there own goto.

label number_Ray <— add the new label then continue with the cript
YOU (talk_greet_shy)
Oh. Hi.

RAY (talk_flirt_coy)
Yeah, hi.

Hope this helps you. Happy coding.


Okay, thanks so much. I’ll try the labels. :grinning: