Having trouble writing dialogue

I hope I chose the right category :sweat_smile:

Okay, so the thing is, I’m trying to write a new story. But the issue is that I suck at writing dialogue. Do you guys have any tips or tricks up your sleeves to help me out? Perhaps something that helps you out when you try to write? Thanks! :smiley:


I’d say definitely get to know your characters first! Once you know them inside and out, it gets so much easier to write dialogue, since you know exactly what they’d say or how they’d react!


I often build the story around the characters, but it’s still so difficult haha. It’s like they won’t speak out :sweat_smile: :laughing:


Ask questions about your characters, when problems happen how do they react? :blob_hearts: :blob_sun:

Some example questions...

Are they a morning person or a night person?
Do they overthink the smallest things?
Do they prefer coffee or tea?
Do they prefer sweet or sour?
What’s their favourite movie genre?
Are they a big spoon or a little spoon?
What do they fear? (Spiders/heights)
Do they like working or would they rather stay in bed?
Are they a cat or dog person?
Where do they go for a night out?
What do they like to do for fun?
Who is their favourite family member?
Could they live without the internet?
Could they survive in the wild?
Favourite music?
What makes them laugh?
Why did they end their last relationship?
What do they hate the most?
What do they regret?
What do they wish they did?
What’s their end goal?

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You can also put them in senarios! :blob_sun: :blob_hearts:

What would they do if...

There was an earthquake?
A family member died?
They won a life changing ammount of money?
Their plane crashed?
The power went out?
Their phone broke?
Their food tasted bad?
They smashed a glass?
They were in a fight?

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Honestly, sometimes it just happens!
For my Fairytale entry, one of my characters didn’t start talking to me UNTIL I got to the end to first chapter and he was like ACTUALLY here’s something I kept secret, so now I need to rewrite rest of the story :joy:
Sometimes you just need to start writing and don’t be afraid to rewrite stuff! I’m always happy to brainstorm too!

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Thank you! I will try that out, amazing idea! :smiley:

But how do you make the dialogue feel natural and not extreme and cliché :sweat_smile: Because I tend to be quite dramatic which is no good… haha

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Then perhaps my characters are just shy :laughing: Because even if I try to just get it out and write their words, I can only hear myself being overly dramatic :see_no_evil:

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If you want me to, I can have a look and help out?

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I utilize this method, too! I fill out THIS QUESTIONNAIRE in an Excel document as much as I can (not all of the questions are relevant for every story and character), and I find it definitely helps me get to know them better.


That’s so nice of you! :relaxed: I’ve just started writing though, but would you like to check it when I’ve made some progress? :relaxed:

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Of course!
If you’re on Instagram it may be easier to reach me there @agatya.episode

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Yesss! :blob_hearts: :blob_sun:

Personally, I just go with it. I write everything down, even if it doesn’t fit, because I might be able to use that later. I also try to imagine what I would say in that situation to make it flow better, and seem more natural rather than very scripted. :blob_sun: :blob_hearts:

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That’s so nice of you! Don’t have insta though… :pensive:

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No worries, I tend to check forums every day anyway!

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Thank you! :relaxed: :relaxed:

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