Hello episode I need help (sloved)

hey, people from episode I am currently writing my own story but I have a problem.
I want to write my teaser but this is what it says:

Enter a Teaser for Chapter 1

There’s no teaser for Chapter 1 because this chapter uses the story description instead. Be sure to fill out your story description before you publish!

I did not publish it yet, I am only writing my second story
what do I do??
please help me if you can.

Hello @bs.episode75, this is Sydney the Mod. :wink: Have you submitted a help ticket about your issue to our support team? :smiley:

you can’t add a teaser to episode 1, only episode 2 and onwards.

yes thank you both so much, I saw the answer when I was looking if someone else had the same problem as me (what actually is no problem at all.)
but both a thank you for your time.

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no problem! :blush: