Help Finding Story on Episodes

I believe its “Never ending fight” but I don’t seem to find the story now.

I am try to find a story for days now but I can’t remember what is the title. Its about a girl and guy who are in school and starts liking each other. But they won’t get together cause the guy is afraid to say his true feelings. The one scene I remember very well is that, the guy’s korean friend will come to visit and starts liking her too. And she will call him "Oppa!’ and he starts blushing and he is also a musician. Thats all I remember. Someone please help me.

Does anyone remember a story where you can customize the female MC and she has a 4 year old son named Axel. She’s an interior designer and she meets a guy named Warrick and he lets her travel with him to decorate all his other houses they didn’t date for a while kept it pretty casual but everyone around them knew they liked each other they just wanted to make sure Axel was happy. She can bring Axel with her Warrick and Axel get a long really well and he calls him Axeman. I know the Female MC has 2 best friends ones a girl and the other is a gay guy. If anyone can help please do, I just switch from android to IOS and lost literally everything and I’ve been playing and saving stories for like 2-3 years. It would really help if someone knew the name of this one. Thank you!! :sparkles:

i was reading this awhile back but i cant remember the title or any of the character names. it was a fantasy story based on a girl with
powers, she had to hide her powers because they were the highest ranked (diamond powers). there were different power levels and the highest started with diamond, then emerald but i forgot the rest. anyways the girl finds a royal family and they take her in, but little does she know that prince is also a diamond.

hey i saw u reply on helping some else find a story i was hoping u could help me? i was reading this awhile back but i cant remember the title or any of the character names. it was a fantasy story based on a girl with
powers, she had to hide her powers because they were the highest ranked (diamond powers). there were different power levels and the highest started with diamond, then emerald but i forgot the rest. anyways the girl finds a royal family and they take her in, but little does she know that prince is also a diamond.

Sorry I also don’t know how. Does anyone know the story where the MC owned a cafe or maybe it was a bakery but the Mc dropped a cupcake or something on this rich guy he ended up trying to sue her and to get out of it she ended up living with him I never got to finish the story because I switched from a android to iOS

Hello I don’t know what else to do and I really need help finding this book. The book type was Lesbian (I know don’t judge) and about a girl whose dad arranged her a marriage with this wealthy family. When her dad dies (I think) or it was that her family was in need of money. She was sent to the house to get married. When she gets there she thinks she is going to get married to a man but he end up being a women. All I remember is that the women she was meant to marry have black hair that was in a ponytail and green eyes, pale skin and had a sister. I really hope any of you guys can help me find this book because I really invested in it.

Also it was written in limelight

hi everyone need help finding a story , i saw a few screenshot shows on instagram. it was in limelight and all i remember seeing is that the main characters best friend was murdered. but people think that the main character did it. the main character also has some sort of health issues.

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How did the people looked like?

I think the friend that was murdered was a plus sized character but possibly blond and the Jain character was blonde too.

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Hm, Do you know how the Love interest looked like?

Brown hair possibly I honestly hardly remember anything as it was only a few screenshots I saw but I thought I saved it and it’s driving me crazy

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Yea it drives me crazy when I’m tryna find stories and I can’t find it

When did you find it? Was it on one of the shelves? Do you remember the author’s name?

Nope I never remember seeing it on episode usually I see it on Instagram and then look for it on episode but I guess I maybe didn’t for this. Literally the only thing I remember is seeing that her best friend who she grew up with was murdered and she is being blamed and taunted for killing her. And she is sick with something.

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Hm, Idk try make ur own topic and just tag a lot of people that you know that reads a lot of Ll stories I’ll try to search it and I’ll let u know

Wait if found it on insta, have you saw like a lot of comments and views on the post that the author made? because it might of been on one of the shelves

@PoojaI can you help @kates she’s tryna find a story (sry if u didn’t want to be tag)

No unfortunately not :woman_facepalming:t2: I think it might have been a fairly newish story so might not have that many episodes out

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Ok but when did u find it like how many years or months or days

A month ago I would say , I’m sorry I’m not too much help

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