Help Finding Story on Episodes

Try to find it on the shelves it might be there still

I’ll have a look thankyou!

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Sorry I haven’t been reading much lately so idk this story :sweat_smile:

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lol it’s fine

Searching for a story im sure I read once think it was a mafia story… spoiler but im sure towards the end she runs away to Spain and works in real estate until the main male character finds her and shows up for a viewing on a house she is selling? I know while he has been living in Spain there is a guy who falls for her but she doesn’t like him that way? Really appreciate the help!!

wait someone PLEASE help me i totally forgot the name of this story, so the only thing i remember is at the end of the story i believe, this black haired guy had a twin brother with white or very light blonde hair and he was like the reckless kind of twin, but i remember the girl i was playing as play fighting with the reckless twin because they were amazing at fighting and he pinned her up against the door AFTER SHE TRIED TO FIND DOCUMENTS OR SOMETHING OKAY I JUST REMEMBERED THAT BIT PLEASSSEEEEE OH GOD if anybody helped me id really love youu!! okok another edit i remembered that it was this little girl and she grew up in school and she got bullied, and her dad was part of the mafia i believe or he was the boss and she wanted to take over so she went to training for like 2 years and when she came out of training her hair was dye white instead of her natural colour when she went into training!!

Sounds like Fallen Angel? Was the MC called Jasmine? It’s by Miru

I think you’re talking about dirty game By fatima

I need help finding a story it’s about a guy named Lucas or Liam who loves this girl but ends up getting some other girl pregnant and I only remember this scene where it was that garden bridge background and he tells the MC ( can’t remember the main characters name) “she’s pregnant” and then he asks for a goodbye kiss. Can anyone help pls

I’m trying to find a story that I think it was like a year ago I read. I only remember this one scene which was where the main character was upstairs with two children. The two children were messing about at the top of the stairs or something and one of them is about to fall down the stairs. Just as the child is about to the main character grabs her and stops her falling but falls down the stairs herself, I think she was pregnant and protected her belly as she fell instead so damaged her head. Sounds like such a bad scene, but i remember loving the story. Thanks to anyone who can help

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You should make a topic so more people could help you

Hi if any one could help me find a story I started a while ago. It was about his girl who lived with her mom and when she went to see her birth verificate she found out she was the daughter of this wealthy guy who owns this big hotel and that her long lost sister(I think her name was skylar I could wrong tho) went missing and she tries to uncover what happened and investigated it with the help of this guy she meets. Sorry it’s not a lot but I would love to finish it.

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I think you’re talking about “Looking For Skylar” by alalala.writes? Or idk :thinking:

I’m searching for the exact story, I remember that her parents died and that she was kinda of badass

That sounds like ‘Confessions of a Teenage Detective’. The girl’s name was Olive Orion. It was actually one of my favorite Episode featured stories.

Yes that’s it thank you so much!

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Hi can I ask for a help too? I’ve been looking for this episode story all I can remember is this two girls which is basically are twins. I can remember that they have oposite attitude like the other twin is some kind of a “bad girl” she do hangout with boys, skip class, she’s also mean to her twin sister which is a nerdy type she likes reading books and she’s very simple. I can’t remember the guys name because I haven’t played episode in a while I hope someone can help please I badly love the story. One more thing I remember the nerdy twin was set up and said to be taking drugs That’s why the mother got angry and sent her to a jail? but that’s all I can remember please help

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I think you are talking abt My Sister’s Crush. The good sister was sent to juvie if i remember correctly!

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yes, i found it thank you so much!

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