Help finding the name of a story

No problem :heart:

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Can somebody help me finding a story?
It’s a fantasy story
A university or a college student needs to save a kingdom.( the student is from the normal world)
I just can’t find the story anymore,every help is appreciated :blush:

Could be The Ruby Tiara by Wincy?

Yeees, you are right, thank you🙂

Hi I need help finding a story?? It was such a long time ago but the main character was this purple eyed dragon badass girl. She was the last dragon and she fell in love with a demon prince named Sasuke. The author had short hair and was emo I think. And I think the MC was friends with a fairy

I’ve been trying to find this story since I switched from android to IOS I lost everything and I’ve been reading episodes for about 3-4 years I had so many saved and so many that I’ve read and re-read. If you could help me find this one I would be sooo happy so here’s what I remember. You customize the female MC I don’t remember her name but she has a son who I think is 4 and his name is Axel. She is an interior designer and her ex has a new girlfriend who I think has orange hair and is kinda phsyco and he doesn’t even really like her. The female MC is single and she has a girl best friend and a gay guy best friend. Female MC meets the love interest named Warrick he hires her as his own interior designer and he brings her to all his other houses so she can decorate them and she can bring Axel with her. Warrick loves his houses to be black and they don’t start dating for a while so Axel is happy. Axel and Warrick get a long great and he calls him Axeman. I’m pretty sure the Female MC asks Warrick out. I don’t remember much more other than they all had a huge pajama party at Warricks in his home movie theater. If you guys remember the authors name or the title please let me know I really want to read this and it’s hard to find it when you start all over and have no favorites saved anymore. I love you guys thank you!!

Hi all I am trying to find a story as well. I dont remember the author but I found her under the 10 million readers and now I can’t find her. Her story was about a girl that got sent to this guy’s house. Her parents were rich. Her best friend went with but didn’t live with her. She was a fighter at night and kept a secret identity. She didn’t fight alot but she did. She met her love interest and called him panther. His other worker had purple hair and she called him violet. Down the line she was kidnapped and pregnant. The guy keot saying he was the new dad or whatever. She ended up “dying” and it took alot out of her friend that she called violet. That’s what I remember. But she was alive thats all I mnow


I’ve been off Episode for a long time and I just recently got back into it. I need help finding a story about a girl who wasn’t popular and wasn’t “pretty” she had a guy best friend at school who she would hang out with and one day they go hiking(?) and she finds this flower that turns her really pretty to everyone around her. I wanted to keep reading it but I suddenly stopped reading the story.

“The Enchantress” ? (can’t remember if author is Mette M. Peleikis)
Is it in INK?

yeah it was Ink THANK YOU! I loved that one so much!

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Hi! I also forgot the title of an episode story. I remember that it was funny story about a girl who was a journalist. She met a retired policeman in a club. He called her mosquito all the time :smile: please help! :heart:

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Still looking for help with mine…

Not sure but I think the story you’re looking for is Cairo’s Rogue. Or maybe one of the other part of the series.

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Hi all can you please help me find this story I played it a while ago and I forgot the name of it so it is basically this girl who comes back for her brothers wedding and she falls in love with her brothers best friend again after leaving everything behind the last time in one of the chapters there is a bon fire and they ask her to sing like the old times, her brother is in a band and the guy that she loves is also in that same band. I think the guys name is brody. He gets into a fight with on of the other guys from the bad because he took advantage of the girl when she was younger

Did you ever find the story name I have been trying to find the same one for awhile

Can anyone help me find a story!

It’s really racking my brain that I cannot remember it, but it’s been some years since I read it.

It’s about a female Assassin/Gang leader who has a best friend who is a guy. Down the road that friend loses his memory also. She falls in love with a Rival gang leader, and while dating his dad blames her for killing his brother, he finds out he has a son with another woman, she loses their baby/miscarries…. Her name turns out to be Ari, or Arielle/Ariel.

Hoping I can find this stories

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There was a episode story about a mc who is a girl and it’s her birthday. It opens up and shows a girl in a car running from the cops. The love interest asks Do you trust me? I was watching this story and it has seemed to disappear from my favorites! Help I really want to read this story.

Hi guys, please can someone help me find a story? It’s about a angel who spy’s on the devil himself Alaris in a school full of vampires, witches etc. It’s been removed from my favourites :frowning:

I think it’s falling from grace which you’re talking about. That story got removed from the app for some reasons :confused:

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Oh my gosh I just posted for this - I was wondering too - I really liked the story:(

Do you know who the author is (maybe on Instagram)?

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