Help! How do you make 2 characters walking on the screen at the same time? 😭

How do you make 2 characters walk onto the screen at the same time? And how to exit at the same time and make them walk together to another pan? (Like from panel 1 to 2 and the camera following them.) AND lastly, how do you make them both move to a different spot on the screen but in the same panel??? Please help!!!

&CHARACTER enters from side to screen # AND CHARACTER2 enters from side to screen #

&CHARACTER exits side AND CHARACTER2 exits side

Following a character to another zone:
@follow CHARACTER to screen # in zone #

I don’t know what you mean.

If you want them both to walk to a spot in the same zone do:

&CHARACTER walks to spot x y AND CHARACTER2 walks to spot x y

I hope this helps. :wink:

~ Winter x

@CHAR1 enters from left/right to screen ______ AND CHAR2 enters from left/right to screen _______


@CHAR1 exits left/right AND CHAR2 exits left/right

What do you mean by other spot?

Thank you so much guys!!!

No problem. Happy to help! :wink:

Closing due to one month of inactivity :slight_smile: