HELP! i need art work for story please!

I need art work for my story anyone wanna help and be my partner?

send the details

I don’t mean cover but art work I forgot to say sorry lol
kk one sec

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I could help with it just say what it is that you want

wannna do it too

Theses are the characters but I need scene pictures if possible

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Ok what like

yall both can

what are the pose @Helpieme you can make the character and edit them


Ok I will so I’ll basically com the whole thing

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Do not com

we will do half

Alright and how’s the art scene you made for me coming along or do you still need to do the hair thing

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hair thing


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@autumn3481 can you please tell us what scene you would like


1- I need a art scene of a picture of the male character in fire and flames so it can go in a art museum

2- I need the male character kissing a mars statue the god of war in the sunset in the background inside the class room

3-i also need a picture of male character sticking or kissing the female character’s finger because it was bleeding after accidently cutting herself

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I know it’s a lot to ask
please take your time don’t feel that you need to do it ok
thank you guys

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I’ll start 1 now

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