Help Me Educate Myself

So basically, I need help learning about a bunch of different things for characters in an upcoming story of mine, so if you know stuff about any of the following topics, I’d appreciate it if you’d teach me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :two_hearts:

  1. Muslim religion (specifically for girls)
  2. Aromanticism/Asexuality
  3. Non-binary people
  4. Demisexuality

I can tell you a little about asexuality:

Being asexual doesn’t mean that you don’ like anyone. It just means you won’t feel any sexual attraction towards people. And asexual could also still have a romantic relationship with someone. Another reminder that there are many types of asexuality like gray sexuality and demisexuality (there are many more sexualities under the term asexual but I’m just going to explain these 2)

Gray sexuality:
Gray sexuality is between asexuality and sexuality which means that they can feel sometimes sexual attraction.

Demisexuals only feel sexually attracted to people they share a deep bond with.


Being Aromantic means that you don’t want a relationship. You don’t feel romantic attraction towards anybody. Again there are different types of Aromantism.


Thank you!


Alssooo about Non-binary people:
Being Non-binary means that you don’t feel like a girl neither a boy. They often use pronouns as they/them. I don’t know too much about it so the don’t rely fully on me. Hope this helped😅



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Bump! :relaxed:

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The definition of non binary is when you don’t fit in the gender binary of male or female.

non binary people can literally look and act like anything so don’t let stereotypes fool you. Enbies can use any pronouns, more typically they/them. They can dress androgynously, feminine or masculine. And names can be anything however many enbies prefer gender neutral names.

(It’s worth mentioning that non binary is an umbrella term and other genders like agender and bigender fall under it.)

I hope this helps!!


Thank you!

no problem!!!

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