Help me with choices I'm struggling!

So if you have art scenes and let the reader customize the mc how do you make the original features in gold?:thinking:

what do you mean?

Like how do you make a choice in a color, like some authors have their choices in gold.

you need to write on the same line of the choice(s)the word < PREMIUM > (but with no space) infront of the choice(s)

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You do < PREMIUM > but no spaces in front of “choice”

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How do you add in your own background?

Step 1

Go to Art Catalog and click Backgrounds.

Step 2

Click the arrow near Background and choose Uploaded to YOUR Account.

Step 3

Next. click Select Image and choose your background from your file.

Step 4

Then, you click the arrow near choose a size. (You can also crop the image, by using the circle at the corners.)

One panel is one zone
Two panels are two zones and three panels are three zones.

Step 5

And then, name your background. It has to starts with INT. or EXT. (INT. means interior and EXT. means exterior.)

Step 6

Finally, click the box and then click Upload. Do not upload backgrounds from Google because that would be Copyright, and if you use a background from someone else make sure to credit them if necessary

Loll yk u coulda atleast said thanks to the ppl who were nice enough to help Instead of asking another question and doing the same people use their time for this you knoww

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