Help me with this scene!

Hi guys
I am a new author and I need your help with a scene

Ok, in this scene my MC comes out of a club and has to somehow meet a vampire who turns her

Here are the problems :
How does the MC meet the vampire
How does she / he bite her?
What is an option that makes sense that she has to bite her, like what was the cause and how does she end up?

Do let me know if you have any ideas (credit will be given) :blush:

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  • Either at the bar, or dancing in the crowd, or on the balcony getting fresh air.

There’s a bitting animation/coding template for both characters that you can use. Check this out:

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oh wait, I just read that backwards, okay. So either at an alley, or maybe on the sidewalk, or hm.

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so depending on the plot instead of meeting him outside, she could meet him inside, they talk dance, he invite her to a private place, she comes with him, but he is a vampire hunting for blood and now she is his victem.

so if she turn to a vampire, there can be many reason, in some versions, they have to drink the vampires blood, in some they have to die, in other a bite alone is enough, though I dont like the last one since, that would fast make a lot of people vampires.

lets say they have to drink two times a mounth. thats 24 vampires in a year for one person, and those vampires have to drink too, so that is 25 vampires drinking 2 times a mounth, that is 50 more vampires. so I wouldnt go with a bite alone, I think the vampire drinking too much and shes dies, and when you die with vampire poisen in your body you become one.

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Hey thanks for your suggestion
But I wanted to ask how she bites her
Like what’s the cause. :blush:


food, a very simple answar




Now I don’t really know depending on how you have your plot, so it could either be bloodlust that the vampire needs blood or is thirsty that the vampire maybe havent drank from a human in a while or just didn’t want to?



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