Help please! Can't continue script

This is my formatting for an infinite loop for the tyre. It works! But there is one slight problem.

My script won’t continue from here! Even though I have continued writing, when I click Preview, it won’t go to the next scene. Seems like it is stuck on this scene.

This is my formatting:

@zoom reset and overlay 4X4 shifts to -213 -48 in zone 1 and overlay 4X4 scales to 1.648 1.648 in zone 1 and overlay 4X4 moves to layer 10 and overlay TITO moves to layer 8 and overlay TYRE moves to layer 11 and overlay TYRE shifts to 215 65 and overlay TYRE scales to 0.262 0.262 and overlay TITO shifts to 32 121 in zone 1 and overlay TITO scales to 0.226 0.226
@overlay TYRE rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0.3 then overlay TYRE rotates 0 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0 loop infinite times

Key points = TITO is a character (used him as an overlay)
4X4 = is the car
TYRE = is the tyre I am using to make the loop to make it look more real that
the car is moving.

You’ll have to use & instead of @ :slight_smile:

&overlay TYRE rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0.3 then overlay TYRE rotates 0 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 0 loop infinite times

Using @ instead of & for looping code will cause the game to softlock, to add on to what Martini said.

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Thanks guys! It works! :kissing:

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