Help please with if/elif/else

Hey guys! can somebody please help me with this?
So my character is remembering something happened in the past and she was wearing something different than what she’s wearing in the present and for that there was a outfit choice.
So what should I do make the character wear the same thing that the reader chose when she’s back to the present?

In the episode where she chooses the clothes you have to pit gains, and in the episode where you need to remember the choice you need to use the if with gains!

label choose_outfit
What do you want to wear?

choice “outfit 1” {
@CHARACTER changes into outfit 1

Are you sure you want to wear this?

choice “Yes” {
gain outfit1
} “No” {
goto choose_outfit

} “outfit 2” {
@CHARACTER changes into outfit 2

Are you sure you want to wear this?

choice “Yes” {
gain outfit2
} “No” {
goto choose_outfit

} “outfit 3” {
@CHARACTER changes into outfit 3

Are you sure you want to wear this?

choice “Yes” {
gain outfit3
} “No” {
goto choose_outfit


Then in the other episode:

if (outfit1) {
@CHARACTER changes into outfit 1
if (outfit2) {
@CHARACTER changes into outfit 2
if (outfit3) {
@CHARACTER changes into outfit 3


Thank you so muchh for helping :dancer: :dancer: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

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