Help scrip coding etc

Can anyone help with this script error please.

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Line 525 and 526,

}elif (Read_Jamal){

It is doubled bracket. Do you have a choice inside the if choice? If you don’t, you need to remove the line 525.

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I do have a choice inside the ( if ) choice :slightly_smiling_face: and when I remove the double bracket it gives me another error im so confused

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Line 539, @JAMAL stands think_rubchin

It’s @JAMAL starts think_rubchin

I think that’s the reason you’re getting the error, not the brackets. You can show a script of the if choice if there is still an error, you might miss closing a bracket somewhere.

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I’ve changed the line 539 and its still the same.

This is the (if) choice

if (Read_Kye){
@transition fade out black in 1
@KYE stands screen left
@KARLIE stands screen right
@KYE faces right
@KARLIE faces left

    KYE (talk_think_neutral)
How you feeling?

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE stands think_rubchin

    KARLIE (talk_handsopen_happy_loop)
I feel good. I'm just nerves for my dads answer.

    KARLIE (talk_armscrossed_sad_loop)
I feel a little bad not speaking to Jamal about it all first.

    KARLIE (talk_unsure)
I do kinda owe him an explanation.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

    KYE (talk_neutral_loop)
If it would make you feel better speaking with him then that's fine by me.

    KYE (talk_handsopen_happy_loop)
Do what you feel like you have to do.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts think_rubchin

    KARLIE (talk_unsure)
Are you really ok with that?

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

    KYE (talk_handsonhips_neutral_loop)
I'm ok as long as your ok. 

    KYE (talk_think_neutral)
So, are you going to talk to Jamal?

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts think_rubchin


** Choice **

“Yes talk to jamal”{

    KARLIE (talk_neutral_loop)
Yes, ill speak to Jamal. 

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

    KYE (talk_handsopen_happy_loop)
Ok, do you want me to come with you or will you be alright on your own?

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts think_rubchin

    KARLIE (talk_handsonhips_neutral_loop)
I think ill be ok on my own, thank you for offering your support though.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop
@KYE starts listen_nod_neutral_loop
@pause for a beat
#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts idle

“No I think ill be ok”{

    KARLIE (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
I don't think its necessary.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

    KYE (talk_think_neutral)
Are you sure?

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts think_rubchin

    KARLIE (talk_neutral_loop)
Yes, I don't think there will be any hard feelings between us.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

    KYE (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
As long as your sure about everything.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop

    KARLIE (talk_neutral_loop)
I am, I think the whole situation will be fine.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle
@KYE starts listen_nod_neutral_loop
@pause for a beat
#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts idle
}elif (Read_Jamal){

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You have an additional close bracket right after the KYE starts think_rubchin, remove that.
And right after the dialogue “How you feeling?”, @KYE stands think_rubchin should be changed to “starts”. Copy paste the code below and it should work:

if (Read_Kye){
@transition fade out black in 1
@KYE stands screen left
@KARLIE stands screen right
@KYE faces right
@KARLIE faces left

    KYE (talk_think_neutral)
How you feeling?

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts think_rubchin

    KARLIE (talk_handsopen_happy_loop)
I feel good. I'm just nerves for my dads answer.

    KARLIE (talk_armscrossed_sad_loop)
I feel a little bad not speaking to Jamal about it all first.

    KARLIE (talk_unsure)
I do kinda owe him an explanation.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

    KYE (talk_neutral_loop)
If it would make you feel better speaking with him then that's fine by me.

    KYE (talk_handsopen_happy_loop)
Do what you feel like you have to do.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts think_rubchin

    KARLIE (talk_unsure)
Are you really ok with that?

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

    KYE (talk_handsonhips_neutral_loop)
I'm ok as long as your ok. 

    KYE (talk_think_neutral)
So, are you going to talk to Jamal?

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts think_rubchin

** Choice **

“Yes talk to jamal”{

    KARLIE (talk_neutral_loop)
Yes, ill speak to Jamal. 

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

    KYE (talk_handsopen_happy_loop)
Ok, do you want me to come with you or will you be alright on your own?

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts think_rubchin

    KARLIE (talk_handsonhips_neutral_loop)
I think ill be ok on my own, thank you for offering your support though.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop
@KYE starts listen_nod_neutral_loop
@pause for a beat
#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts idle

“No I think ill be ok”{

    KARLIE (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
I don't think its necessary.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

    KYE (talk_think_neutral)
Are you sure?

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts think_rubchin

    KARLIE (talk_neutral_loop)
Yes, I don't think there will be any hard feelings between us.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

    KYE (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
As long as your sure about everything.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop

    KARLIE (talk_neutral_loop)
I am, I think the whole situation will be fine.

#beat ends
#beat starts
@KARLIE starts idle
@KYE starts listen_nod_neutral_loop
@pause for a beat
#beat ends
#beat starts
@KYE starts idle
}elif (Read_Jamal){

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That’s worked thank you x x x x


I can’t seem to figure out why its giving me this Error. Can anyone help me out?


I believe you have to put an enter between each character. That might be why it gives a error since it’s not spaced out. You can hit enter after the outside. part or infront of EDEN

I put spaces between but still got the same error, maybe i should add an @ in one of them?

Have you tried to reload the portal? Or put an enter between everything? ( Usually I enter anything that isn’t starting with & because it would give me errors but if those options don’t work then maybe someone might know what’s going on?)

Or it’s redistering GOD as a character as it’s all caps but that’s the only other thing I would see.

I had to punctuate it lol but thanks for all your help!


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