HELP! Story removed without the posibility of modifying it!

Okay, so I looked into this. What happened is that you sent in multiple tickets while you still had a ticket open on the same topic. The way that our system works, when you respond – either in the same ticket or via another ticket – it resets the clock on the original ticket and pushes it to the end of the line because the system serves us tickets from oldest response to newest.

The tickets that were closed were not ignored, they were merged with the original ticket so that the original person working with you could easily see any new information you sent. We do this because otherwise you could potentially end up talking to 5 different people who all have different bits of information but none of whom have the whole story.

When you have a ticket open it is really, really important that you wait for a response from us unless you absolutely have to respond with new information before then. Sending the same information multiiple times only delays the response.

All that being said, I have answered you in tickets as of this morning. Generally speaking, the forum is not the right venue for the kind of question you have on this. IF you have something really urgent, and you feel you cannot wait for a response, you can send in a ticket with ATT: Arlene [subject here] and it will be escalated to me. Please make sure it is really urgent, though, because if it is something that can be handled by a regular agent I will just kick it to the agent pool.

I responded here because I wanted to address confusion about the process, but mostly I don’t do that. :slight_smile: