Help with a White Flash Affect

I have a scene- the opener, actually- that transitions from a dream to being awake. I want the dream to end with a flash and a thunderclap and then immediately transition to the MC waking up in her bedroom. The key is that in a flash of bright white light the scene transitions from a stormy dream forest to a bedroom scene.

I don’t have much experience yet with the overlays and I don’t know if there is anything that can help me. Any tips or templates?

INT. FOREST - NIGHT (idk if this is an actual background)

@CHARACTER stands screen center in zone 2 AND CHARACTER faces right AND CHARACTER is animation

@pan to zone 2

music (put thunder noise)

@CHARACTER is react_startled

@transition fade out white


Then do her in bed.

Try this maybe it’ll work.

THANK YOU! This worked perfectly!

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Your welcome!

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