Help with script please?

Ok, so I’m trying to get the script to have a character type they’re name but every time I click save preview and run the script, the username is just autobot and I can’t actually type one.

Here’s my script:

label first_name_input

input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(FIRSTNAME)

if (FIRSTNAME is “”) {

You do need a name...

goto first_name_input

} else {

Your script is fine. Unfortunately, you can’t type in or see names on the web previewer yet, only when you preview it on your device. It should work then! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I can feel you, I felt confused the first time too.

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@goth.gaia is right, script is fine! The web previewer shows autobot, but testing your story on a device shows the name if you type it in.

Also, you don’t need to include that extra stuff to allow a reader to type in a name, all you need to write is:

input What’s Your First Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(FIRSTNAME)

Much less work, right?

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Thank you all! <3

@JemU776 @goth.gaia @LeIsaac