Help with size- plz

i try to shrink this guy’s size by using the preview screen options and pasting the numbers that show up on the bottom , but it keeps resetting his height for some reason

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Can you send a screenshot on your script?

how do I do that?

It depends on what computer you have, but if you have a phone you can take a picture of the screen with that and then post it in this topic.

i can copy and paste a portion of a script?

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Yes that will work too! :relaxed:

@FERGUS exits


@zoom on 160 284 to 112% in 0
@JAMES spot 0.320 236 152
@JAMES moves to layer 0

@JAMES enters from left to screen right

I think that you’ll have to write the character’s entre before the spot, like this:


@CHARACTER enters from left to screen right

@zoom on 160 284 to 112% in 0

&CHARACTER moves to layer 0
@CHARACTER spot 0.320 236 152

But i have to ask, do you want the character to enter to the spot, if you do it should look like this:


&CHARACTER moves to layer 0
@CHARACTER enters from left to spot 0.320 236 152

@zoom on 160 284 to 112% in 0

you should do @CHARACTER enters from left to spot 0.320 236 152

its too small

also I’m trying to shrink him to make a child character

Then you have to change the spot.

Oh, i get it. thanks , BTW.

No problem! :slightly_smiling_face: