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how Do I make a character wake up scared like in the scene I’m doing
@BOY enters from left to screen left AND BOY is walk_something
@pause for a beat
BOY (think_talk)
(I should wake Girl up)
@BOY is scream
And here I want the girl to fall or something

Oooh fun scene! Here’s what I got:

@GIRL is lay_asleep_loop

@BOY enters from left to screen left AND BOY is walk_something
@pause for a beat
BOY (think_talk)
(I should wake Girl up)

@BOY start scream
&pause for 0.4 then GIRL is fall

Try it and let me know if it works out for you.

okay gonna try it now

it kinda worked but like falled normally so I’m going to try to shake the camera a bit

That’s a good idea :ok_hand:t3:

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Yup It already worked out thanks for the help


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Woah, awesome concept for a scene!

Here’s how I picture it being done

Felix will be standing facing away from the screen (idle_rear) and then have Adriana enter, running and bump into him by using a fall behavior (faint would be ideal since we want her to fall backwards)

And when she falls, slightly zoom and focus the camera on her that way the readers don’t see Felix’s reaction or face. Then have her stand up, while the screen is still focused on her and have her say something like:

Hey! Watch it!

Then have her be surprised (you pick a behavior for that, there’s a couple you can use)

Then she says something like:

What are YOU doing here???

Hey! Where are you going???

And zoom out to capture Felix running out. But have his body half way out of the screen already so you can’t see his face. You just end up seeing his arm and leg or something as he runs away

That’s how I’d do it :relieved:

Let me know how’s it goes :blue_heart:

This is probably a stupid question but I can’t seem to find the error in this scene. :confused:
The error is: Expected CHARACTER or SCENE change. Found “NARRATOR (AUNTIE MAY)” instead.

CARTER (talk_think)
She has some unread messages.
@pause for a beat
@CARTER stands screen center in zone 2
label texts
CARTER (talk_think)
I’ll read her texts.
@pause for a beat
I’m so sorry.
If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m right here for you.
@pause for a beat
goto texts
“Auntie May”{
@pause for a beat
My sister was such an amazing person and I’m sure a great mother.
If you ever need somewhere to stay, my door is always open.
I’ll be arranging the funeral for a few weeks.
@pause for a beat
Does Monday the 23rd sound good to you?
@pause for a beat
Are you okay?
@pause for a beat
goto texts
“Unknown Number”{
@pause for a beat
Where are you?
@pause for a beat
goto texts
“I’ve read all of the texts”{
Are you sure you’ve read all of the texts?
goto texts

Very simple yet illusivr solution.
You can’t use a double-worded name in place of the NARRATOR.

NARRATOR (AUNTY MAY) won’t work.

You either have to put an underscore between the words (AUNTY_MAY) or put the two word together (AUNTYMAY).

Thanks! :slight_smile:


@zoom on X Y to 100% in 0 works also

Oh my bad. I assumed you knew. Heres a quick and easy guide that I composed on zoom Directing. See if this will help:

If you still have questions, I’m here for you :hugs:


Normally this should work:
@zoom on 0 0 to 100% in 0

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Hi. How to move a character in sitting position? Or it is not possible to do?

I mean move the character around the scene. I want my character to ride by car and I need her to sit and move to another zone at the same time.


@CHARACTER walks to spot 1.280 125 120 and CHARACTER does it while sit

Thanks. I got it.