Hey chat were we can talk

have no one to talk to. I really want some new friends to talk 2. I also made an IG: @Motel_vibes23 you know if yall want to talk or somethin.




Hi my leshell I can be your friend.

I am going Valentine’s Day story

Hi. So…warning…I’m weird.
My name’s Paris by the way

I just made this instagram so I really don’t use it but if you wanna talk mine is gaptoothkota1

That cool how are you

Aww thank you i appreciate it

Did did you a story let

lol same i’m Ava

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I’m sorry what

low key me but I can’t have any socials bc of my creator :roll_eyes:

okay i’ll add you

OOOO I’ll be your frienddd :upside_down_face: :sunglasses: WASSUP!?

ohh thats sucks

You add me for a friend

Aww thank you :grin:

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lol ik my friends ignore me alot and it is annoying as sheet!

Wth, and so what you don’t have social media doesn’t mean they have the right to ignore you