Hey guys I’m looking for a really good romance story to read that has quite a few chapters and I’m willing to give honest feedback! If you want to check out my story at the same time feel free to, it’s called shout

Hey I’ve just written my first story, called shout. I’d really appreciate it if some of you guys could read it and give me proper feedback. Sorry if it’s a bit rough around the edges, it’s my first time writing on episode!
Check it out: https://episode.app.link/MnmyLUn6WK
Thank you so much,
Maddie x


Title of the story : Trail Of Tears
Name of the author : Cindy
Story genre : Drama/Romance
Description : A girl who goes through a lot in her life. Some days are good and some days are bad she wants to just be a normal girl that does not have to run away from her problems. CC
Link : http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5548954080247808
Style : Ink
Episodes : 15

PM me my feedback please. Thanks in advance.

Of course, I’ll start reading this now! Thank you x

I’m new to writing on episode to and I will definitely read your story :slight_smile:

Here is mine :slight_smile:
Author Name: Lisa.p
Story Title: I Can Do This ?!
Genre: Romance
Description: An absent father, ill mother and a secret causes Violet’s life to crumble but then she meets Jackson. Will her life take a turn for the better?
Episodes: 7

Thank you! :smile:

Hey you can check mine out.

Title: Filling a void
Author: Amber Thompson
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 3
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/4742249652682752
Thank you :slight_smile:

Closing due to one month of inactivity :slight_smile: