Heya I need help

Hi so I need help with a overlay I need this to be on the screen at the bottom can someone code this for me

It is png

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I can one sec

how many zones is the there?

@overlay OVERLAY_NAME create
@overlay OVERLAY NAME shifts to 230 66 in zone 2
@overlay OVERLAY_NAME shifts to 74 79 in zone 2
@overlay OVERLAY_NAME scales to 0.766 0.766

its not working not in any of the zones

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You forgot the opacity, which means it won’t appear on screen! So it should be:

@overlay OVERLAY_NAME create
@overlay OVERLAY_NAME opacity 1 in 0
@overlay OVERLAY NAME shifts to 230 66 in zone 2
@overlay OVERLAY_NAME scales to 0.766 0.766
@overlay OVERLAY_NAME moves to layer 1

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Oh thanks :sweat_smile:

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