Hi! does anyone know how to fix this error? i'm trying to make tappable overlays

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do you have a character or overlay named the same as the labels.

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 Does anything change if you add a blank line after your labels?

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Just gave it a shot!! I don’t think it worked, but thank you for suggesting it aaa!! I wouldn’t have thought of that :open_mouth: <3

just checked overlays!! i don’t have any characters/overlays with the same name as the labels D: thank you for helping me, i am very grateful!!

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Can you copy the script here? It could be some invincible space somewhere in those lines that cause the error.

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OHHH!! that was it, i think!! i just re-typed the script and the error disappeared, but for some reason now the tappables still won’t work? it’s very weird hgkhrehjgkr. here’s the script:

&overlay CIRCLE create
&overlay CIRCLE opacity 1 in 2
&overlay 4805071544451072_CIRCLE shifts to 121 132 in zone 1
&overlay 4805071544451072_CIRCLE scales to -0.879 -0.879
&overlay CIRCLE2 create from CIRCLE
&overlay CIRCLE2 opacity 1 in 2
&overlay CIRCLE2 shifts to 16 418 in zone 3
&overlay CIRCLE2 scales to -1.059 -1.059

Finally, you'll see pink circles. These circles will appear when there's something of interest that you can tap on.

Sometimes you'll need to tap on an object of interest after tapping on something else in order to get more information from it.

Because of this, please feel free to just go ham on tapping on stuff.

This concludes the tutorial. Good luck!

@speechbubble is 0 0 to 0%

tappable [pan:1:2]
goto SAFE1
} “CIRCLE2” {
goto books

label SAFE1
label books

label SKIP

The tappable is working. You just got to set the speechbubble back to 100% for the dialogues ‘Aa’ to be visible because you set it to 0% earlier.

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oh my god i think i’m an idiot HJKGHKREGH

thank you so so much oh my god, you are an absolute godsend, i am so grateful <33 HKJHK

oh wait crumbles!! i thought that would work, but when i reset the speechbubble and then eventually just deleted the speechbubble is 0 0 to 0%, it still wouldn’t work D: so sorry about that ah

Can you send your current script here?

for sure!! thank you so so much for doing this, i’m really grateful!!

&overlay CIRCLE create
&overlay CIRCLE opacity 1 in 2
&overlay 4805071544451072_CIRCLE shifts to 121 132 in zone 1
&overlay 4805071544451072_CIRCLE scales to -0.879 -0.879
&overlay CIRCLE2 create from CIRCLE
&overlay CIRCLE2 opacity 1 in 2
&overlay CIRCLE2 shifts to 16 418 in zone 3
&overlay CIRCLE2 scales to -1.059 -1.059

Finally, you'll see pink circles. These circles will appear when there's something of interest that you can tap on.

Sometimes you'll need to tap on an object of interest after tapping on something else in order to get more information from it.

Because of this, please feel free to just go ham on tapping on stuff.

This concludes the tutorial. Good luck!

tappable [pan:1:2]
goto SAFE1
} “CIRCLE2” {
goto books

label SAFE1
label books

label SKIP

 For some reason, the overlays became not tappable when they are “upside-down” (negative scale). Just remove the negative scales in front and spot the coordinates back to the original spots.

YOU ARE AMAZING OH MY GOD THAT FIXED IT!! i am going to cry thank you so so much, you seriously made my day :sob: i’ve been trying to fix this for like ever lmao, you are seriously amazing. thank you!!!

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