HIRING- cover editors, special scene editor, qotd, ootd

Hiya I’m owner of the insta episode group “epi.monkeys” and we currently need cover editors and special scene editors mostly but also an qotd (quote of the day) Ootd (outfit of the day) and maybe a storied recommendations person? :gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart::cherry_blossom:


I’ll DM you on instagram :slight_smile:

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Haven’t got it yet :grin:


Hello @Rilez02, this is Sydney the Moderator!

This topic has been moved to General Chat since it is not Episode-related. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me and make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about where to correctly create topics. :wink:

Thanks for reading and have a good day :sunglasses:

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