Historia en español :) / story in spanish coming soon

Hola estoy escribiendo mi historia que se llama “Another High School Story” en español.
Déjenme saber si les gustaría saber cuando la publiqué.

Siguen mi Instagram @aaywrites para que se den cuenta cuando la publique! Disculpen mis errores escribo mejor en ingles…pero pues quiero que los que hablen español tengan historias que puedan leer en episode. :slight_smile:

Hey guys I am creating a spanish version of my story called another high school story! If you want details of when it will be posted follow my instagram at @aaywrites. You can also check out the english version down below!

Version escrito en ingles:


Hey! what a great initiative, i think it’s so cool that you’re writing a story in spanish, i’ll make sure to check it out when it’s out. also if you have any questions about grammar in spanish don’t doubt to ask me, spanish is my native language.

Okay thank you so much! I’ll let you know!

read for read with me when it’s published!

**158966653629949068 (1) **
Author: Carlita Bregante’
Story: The Death Of A Superstar
Episodes: 1-4 published (episode 5 on the way)
Genre: Mystery (mix of Drama, suspense action)
Description: Ava Duran, Hollywood’s biggest superstar, murdered the night of the Grammy Awards? Is it her bad attitude that got her killed or is it because of all her dark secrets?CC/LL

4 FOR 4 or more episodes??