How can I make a choice to be remembered?

For example I made a choice for the outfit, then I make the character change again because there is a flashback, when the story go back to present I have to change her outfit again, but how can I do it if I don’t know what the reader choose?

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you can use eather naming choice or gains.

Dara has template for dressing game including the remembering part:

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also this might help:


you could use gains, for example:


gain choice_yes

then later on in the script you add something like this:

if (choice_yes){

add in your scripting here


add in scripting here


Also, you can name the gain anything you want.


Thank you. That’s what I used.

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Thank you, this website will going to be very useful!

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Glad I could help, good luck with your story! :love_letter:

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