How can you make it look like your character is driving the car?

Hello. So I’m stuck on my story. I’m trying to figure out how to make it look like my character is driving a car. Either with the car driving forward or backward. Please help me. Thank you.


So you should have a loop background such as EXT. CITY HIGHWAY LOOP - DAY or EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD LOOP - DAY, and put a car overlay, and place your characters in the car.

If you want a script template, I can give you mine

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Yeah, can you give me your script template so I can see please?

Sure! Only two characters in the car, right?

Also, ink or limelight?

No just the mom. Also it’s the limelight. :slight_smile:

Or you could use spot directing and make them drive a car on a non-looping background.

Well when I click “Directing Helper”, it says “Device Helper, Zoom Helper, Spot Helper, Bubble Helper, Overlay Helper, and Filters Helper”. I don’t have Spot Director.

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It’s “Spot helper”

there is a template u can use. Just put the character name then copy and paste in your script.

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Thank you Lana.

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I can help you do the scene. I’ll code it.

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oooo your getting there! Let @Joyless_Fun finish help ya. :wink:

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Ikr!!! I’m so happy! This is my first episode story I’ve ever written! I’m literally done with the first episode! I also have 400 lines just like it says.


Yes please help me code it! I was trying to figure out it for a while. But the only far I’ve gotten was making the car and mom go backwards as if the mother was reversing the car.

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What’s the scene?

It’s where the mother took her daughter to school. The daughter is a freshman. The car is an overlay.

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sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!! Let me know when it is out :wink:

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Thank you girl! Do you have any stories you’ve written and published?