How do I get to remember the name I choose for my one of my 2 MCs?

So I know you solved your problem but I wanna quickly write this on this thread so I can link it and use it to help someone if they have a question about display names and script names:

Example, let’s say you have two characters. One is named JEM and one is named YOU

When you go to characters it’ll say this:

Script Name: JEM

Display Name: JEM

Script Name: YOU

Display Name: YOU

The script name is the one that you type in the script while the display name is the one that is shown to the reader.

An example when you’re naming them:

What’s your first MC’s name?

input What is your name? | What is your name? | Done (JEM)

What’s your first MC’s last name?

input What is your last name? | What is your last name? | Done (LASTNAME)

What’s your second MC’s name?

input What is your name? | What is your name? | Done (YOU)

What’s your second MC’s last name?

input What is your last name? | What is your last name? | Done (SMITH)

Hey, I’m [JEM] [LASTNAME].

And I’m [YOU] [SMITH].

So if the reader types in Anna for the first MC and Adams for their last name when you write [JEM] [LASTNAME] in your script, the reader will see Anna Adams. They’ll also see ANNA as the display name.

Also, your display name and script name can be different (display names can be blank). For example if you had a character named YOU and you wrote this in your script:

What is your name?

input What is your name? | What is your name? | Done (NAME)

My name is [NAME].

Your character’s name will appear as YOU to the reader. In order to have their name appear and be displayed to the reader, you’d go to characters and under YOU’s script name (script names can’t be changed) where it says Display Name: YOU you’d change that to NAME so that it becomes Display Name: NAME

Thus, the name that the reader chose will be shown to them.