How do I make a character move across the screen with this animation?

Hi! I’m trying to make my character character move across the screen with a certain animation. My goal is trying to make the character look like they are thrown in the air by a great force.

My script


&cut to zone 2
&MEGAN spot 0.810 215 146 in zone 1 AND CALEB spot 1.018 -114 120 in zone 2
&MEGAN moves to layer 2
&CALEB moves to layer 1

@transition fade in black 2

@pause for 1

@MEGAN walks to spot 0.810 142 146 in zone 2 in 3 AND MEGAN is run_cry_embarrassed_loop

&MEGAN faces left
@MEGAN is react_gasp_dismayed

    MEGAN (idle_terrified_loop)
(Who in this lifetime carries a sword?)

&MEGAN walks to spot 0.810 255 146 in zone 2 in 3 AND MEGAN faces left AND MEGAN is stepback_scared_loop THEN MEGAN is idle_terrified_loop
@CALEB walks to spot 1.018 79 120 in zone 2 in 3 AND CALEB does it while walk_angry_loop

&MEGAN is idle_terrified_loop
CALEB (talk_knife_angry)
Tis enough you little scum!

    CALEB (talk_knife_angry)
Prepare yourself for my wrath!

@CALEB walks to spot 1.018 109 120 in zone 2 in 2 AND CALEB is walk_angry_loop

&zoom on 0 429 to 105% in 0.1
&MEGAN starts scream_angry

@CALEB is crowdsurf_excited_loop and CALEB moves to spot 1.018 122 74 in zone 2 in 3
@CALEB is crowdsurf_excited_loop and CALEB moves to spot 1.018 92 125 in zone 2 in 3
@CALEB is crowdsurf_excited_loop and CALEB moves to spot 1.018 22 173 in zone 2 in 3
@CALEB is crowdsurf_excited_loop and CALEB moves to spot 1.018 235 189 in zone 1 in 3
@CALEB is crowdsurf_excited_loop and CALEB moves to spot 1.018 130 160 in zone 1 in 3
@CALEB is crowdsurf_excited_loop and CALEB moves to spot 1.018 51 98 in zone 1 in 3

@zoom on 201 350 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 191 568 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 191 345 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 0 429 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 201 350 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 191 568 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 191 345 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 0 429 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 201 350 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 191 568 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 191 345 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 0 429 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 201 350 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 191 568 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 191 345 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 0 429 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 201 350 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 191 568 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 191 345 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 0 429 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 201 350 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 191 568 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 191 345 to 105% in 0.1
@zoom on 0 429 to 105% in 0.1

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@CHARACTER walks to spot xyz in T and CHARACTER does it while animation

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Thank you so much!

It help a lot but my character is facing the wrong direction? I tried the code for it to face the right, but it keeps facing the left.

Cos it to face left :blush: It’ll make it face right

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I know, but should I place it in the beginning of the code or end? Possibly before the animation? :relaxed:

@CHARACTER walks to spot xyz in T and CHARACTER faces left and CHARACTER does it while animation

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thank u so much!

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